Defeating The Organised Pogrom of Nazi RSS/BJP
It is clear that despite the state power backing the RSS/BJP instigated rioters, the intensity of the violence and its spread is curbed by the combined forces of anti-Brahmin camps. This is perhaps the beginning of the end of Brahminism in India forever. Backed by controlled media, unlimited access to money, and unbridled power, the Nazism in India is being resisted and thus restricted. (Though people from different communities came forward to challenge RSS during the Delhi riots, Brahminical media through social media and mainstream media to large extent have managed to set the narrative that favours dominant so-called upper castes. We wrote on how Brahmins are inciting Dalits to fight against Muslims through social media. – editor)
Now is the time to bring more clarity to the situation so that the violence can be stopped. Opening the heart for love and the hand for help is a way to defeat Indian Nazis.
1. Bahujan ideology must be revived with full force
Babasaheb Ambedkar launched his movement with the political agenda of uniting the toiling masses: the majority of Indians fall in this category. The Shudras ( the OBC) and the Dalits are the toiling masses in India and their labour is exploited by the Brahmins and Banias. This thought of Babasaheb Ambedkar was strategised into an action plan with the formation of the BAMCEF, the federation of Backward classes and converted minorities. It is no surprise that this axis can only stop the violent Nazi Brahminism. In Delhi, heroic lower castes and openhearted Sikhs are in the forefront to fight Brahminism.
The BAMCEF is the only remedy for RSS/BJP Nazism.
2. The OBC parties like SP, RJD, and a host of other regional OBC parties must demand Caste-based census
The potent way to stop menacing Brahminism is to educate the OBCs and awaken them to their civil, economic, and political rights. This is the only way for the OBC-led parties to reclaim their lost political space. Thanks to the socialisation of some OBC caste, the large scale mobilisation that Brahmins would like to undertake is not happening. Only unity of SC/ST/OBCs can break the hegemony of Brahmin-Bania.
3. Hinduism needs to be deconstructed
The population at large should understand that Hinduism is the cloak worn by the Brahmins to perpetuate their power. Hinduism is a political game created to befool the lower caste so that they keep on fighting, and the Brahmins will rule. Hinduism should rightfully be called Brahminism. How could it be Hinduism when 3% Brahmins control it? It is Brahminism.
Brahmins are clever, it will put us against each other but it is high time that we understand Brahmins’ game and stay a step ahead of them. Bahujans must get united against their common enemy – Brahminism – and uproot Brahminism as advised by Babasaheb Ambedkar.
Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist
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