How Brahmins Are Inciting Dalits Against Muslims On Social Media


“If Hindu Raj does become a fact, it will, no doubt be the greatest calamity for this country. No matter what the Hindus say, Hinduism is a menace to liberty, equality and fraternity. It is incompatible with democracy. Hindu Raj must be prevented at any cost.” – Dr Ambedkar

As RSS goons continue to kill and destroy properties of Muslims in Delhi, the national capital of India, rest of the Brahmins sitting in media and social media are trying hard to incite Dalits and put them against Muslims. There a number of Tweets going viral at the moment, in which Brahmins are encouraging Dalits to take part in their unholy acts and help them maintain Brahminical hegemony.

Here are a few tweets,

Rashtrahit or Brahminhit?

Brahmin inciting violence

Why only wash feet? Eat our shit also 3 times a day.

Brahmin violence

Yes, Brahminism (Hinduism) is surviving on the dead bodies of Dalit-Bahujans.

Brahmin violence 2

Brahmins will do anything to make sure Dalits keep on protecting their privileges. These Brahmins are using their influence through millions of followers on social media to set a narrative that fulfils their agenda of hatred.

These Savarna-Brahmin men with guns and sticks are slaughtering people around the country because Savarna-Brahmin men sitting in power are encouraging them to do so. If these Savarna-Brahmin men sitting in power had any concern that people are dying, they would have done something to stop but as we all know after each and every riot, RSS/BJP’s influence and control over power has increased so no reason that these Savarna-Brahmin men will ever do anything to stop such violence. It must be understood that no riot or violence at this scale can last more than a day or so without the consent of the ruling parties. Further, the willingness to stop such riots also matter. In this regard, many Dalits and Muslims now are remembering Mayawati’s rule in Uttar Pradesh that in Mayawati’s rule there were no riots.

Read also:  Brahmins and Beef Eating - What Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Said

BJP gains after each riot

Then there were Brahmins, in order to please another white man, worried about the “image” and wanted people protesting against CAA to stay silent till Mr Trump is in the country,

Brahmin image

What GSB actually meant is, please be silent so that the world doesn’t know about the genocide. The same mentality led to the denial of caste discrimination at the United Nations many times. When images of dead bodies or from detention centres will emerge and the world will see, would that image of the nation look nice to you, oh Brahmin? Further, images of naked Brahmins with thread (Janeu) around their necks and tails on the heads are what damaging the image of the nation and people around the world laugh at us.

Dalits understand Brahmins’ game of putting Dalits against Muslims and then Brahmins sitting on the fence to watch Dalits fighting.

“Dalit residents of Seelampur J-Block are protecting the Muslim residents and have blocked roads pushing out right-wing mobs,” posted a user on Twitter. In 2002 Gujarat as well, Dalit dominated areas during Gujarat riots had fewer killings as per the research conducted by the Sociology department of Oxford University.

Dalit Helping Muslims

“It’s important to record such voices because soon Brahmin Leftists without any concrete information – will start abusing Dalits for participating in violence against Muslims. Instead of fighting against their own caste folks, Brahmin Leftists will use all energy against Dalits,” writes Sumeet Mhaskar. Sikhs as well have opened their Gurudwara for affected people but not a single Brahmin priest has opened doors of his temple for the victims. Brahmins temples are only for getting money from us and then using that money to conduct riots.

Read also:  Dwight Goddard's Buddhist Bible and the Buddha and His Dhamma written by Babasaheb Ambedkar

There are a few more questions which are worth contemplating upon that in recent years Brahmins are coming out with guns and directly participating in violence. Some of the recent examples are Komal Sharma (JNU), Gopal Sharma (Jamia), Aditya Rao (Mangaluru), Vikram Bhave & Sanjiv Punalekar (Dabholkar killing), Manohar Bhide and Milind Ekbote (Bhima Koregaon violence), Kapil Mishra (Delhi violence). Delhi High court has mentioned 3 names for giving hate speech and inciting the mobs. All 3 are Savarna-Brahmins and from BJP – Kapil Mishra, Pravesh Verma and Anurag Thakur.

The biggest weapon Brahmins ever hold was pen or thread around his neck. With the pen, Brahmin could inflict more damage than what it could with any other weapon. Is that trend changing? I don’t think so but it is worth noticing that it is always a Brahmin behind all these violence and in most of these cases these Brahmins are coming out with weapons. What is Brahmin’s fascination with violence? Maybe Dalit-Bahujans are becoming more aware of these tactics of Brahmins and have stopped falling trap to their plans hence Brahmins in order to keep control over Dalit-Bahujans are leading from the front. Setting an example for others to follow.

We must not fall to these time tested tactics of Brahmins and stand united against hatred. As Dr Ambedkar had noted, untouchables become Hindus during Hindu-Muslim riots and go back to untouchables after riots are over. We should never forget this.

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