Government Must Be Responsible To Citizens, Not Just To Corporate

The public finance is not an easy area to understand but the knowledge of it is essential for the citizens to know if the policies really support their wellbeing. The most important area to understand is the study and analysis of the budget. Every year the government presents what is called in common parlance as budget and the rupee value is attached to various schemes of the government and the government also presents Economic Survey to take stock of the previous year and some indication of the economic policies of the government.

After one studies the Economic Survey of 2020, it is clear that it is ideological than an economic survey. While the India of the past is lauded, there is no indication of how the economic development will create growth, equity, and democracy: which are the goals of any economic development to ensure human development.

The Economic Survey quotes Adam Smith and his theory of the invisible hand that keeps demand and supply dynamics but also talks of the invisible hand of trust. This is a vital point, but what is lacking in Indian society is very trust. In a Caste ridden society, trust is impossible to find, because the caste ensures that the trust is graded and only those who benefit from the economy because of the economics of caste. As there is so must trust deficit, India is not going to grow economically. India has turned into caste-based crony capitalism.

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The Economic Survey hardly talks about building trust which is another name of building economic policies that benefits a handful of castes.

The absence of spending on vital non-economic factors like health, education, sanitation, and social welfare budget, the economy can never grow as it depends on how much access the common citizens have to education, health services, and sanitation.

The budget denies needs of the marginalized communities and loot their legitimate resources by diverting them elsewhere.

The reason for this is clear in the budget as the government of the day is so keen to sell national assets to its cronies and hand over public services like health to the private sector.

The Government is not a company and it should not just try to make profits for its cronies, but must focus on its citizens.

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It is sad to say that we have a government that is less citizen-centric and more company-centric. Pick up the pages of Economic Survey and it is written all over there!

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

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