How Brahminical Media Whitewashes Facts To Brainwash Indians


A Brahmin man pointing a gun at people protesting against CAA and NRC with the Delhi police covering him summarises the regime of BJP/RSS. When the state sponsors terrorism to frighten its own people with the help of private individual, the nation is destroyed. On top of that Brahminical media tries to give it an opposite twist speaks volumes of the fate of our nation that was built with so much labour. Brahminical media is blaming people who are protesting against the CAA, NRC, and NPR is another low for media but nothing better can we expect from it.

The RSS/BJP has destroyed all the institutions of governance and dismantled the apparatus that maintains checks and balances. It is in a hurry to destroy India causing multiple divisions. More divisions on the religious and caste lines mean BJP/RSS will be winning.

The global media started seeing the debacle of India and the world outside is slowly becoming aware of what RSS/BJP has done to India. RSS/BJP has alienated India through its mindless quest to hold power at the cost of India’s image. We could scorn other countries over their records of human rights. Not anymore. More so India will be ostracised by the countries in the middle east on which India is dependent on its oil imports.

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With the dwindling democracy in India, the investment is going to turn its back and with that turning away the Indian economy will spiral further down. India is losing its spine due to the policies unleashed by the RSS/BJP. Unemployment is rising, common goods are slipping out of the hands of people and hatred spewed by Brahminical mindsets is rising every day.

The security of India is in danger as the citizens are setting up against each other. It cannot continue for a long time and the Brahminical media is creating deepfakes and fake news as an accomplice of the RSS/BJP regime. It is not a coincidence that the media moguls in India and the dominant players in the RSS/BJP come from the same castes.

Brahminical media has been whitewashing facts and brainwashing Indians for centuries now. When will the OBC, SC, and ST learn what they are accepting without questioning is their own loss? When will they throw the regime that oppresses them? We must learn to question everything and don’t accept whatever is told to you by Brahminical media. Brahminical media keep on making us sit, stand with them but at the same time denying our voices and at worse brainwashing and misguiding us. It is time to wake up and throw such media outlets in the dustbin. Build your own media!

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Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist
Edited by Velivada team

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  1. 1
    Govind Ram

    RSS/Modi have captured power with the help of brahminical media. Now they want to continue in power .Media is also benefitted by this govt.

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