Shiv Sena Making Compulsory Reciting Preamble to Constitution Won’t Whitewash Its Crimes Against Bahujans
The Maharashtra government led by Shiv Sena on Tuesday (22 January 2020) ordered that school students across the state must recite the Preamble to the Indian Constitution. A state government circular said the reading of the preamble is part of the “sovereignty of constitution, welfare of all” campaign, and will be implemented from Republic Day.
In reality, it is more like a stunt to appease minority communities and Dalits protesting against the Citizenship Amendment Act.
Today, it saddens me when I see people sharing images, comparing the death toll and violence in Maharashtra and UP during anti CAA protests trying to show Shiv Sena is better than BJP. Or people sharing Shiv Sena chief saying it was mistake mixing religion and politics. For one thing, you can’t keep aside religion and politics in India. Personal is political. Congress and NCP (party with the highest upper castes) are doing nothing but helping Shiv Sena toward Hindu Rashtra and you are rejoicing, forgetting your forefathers struggle.
Sure, reading of preamble to the constitution can be done at schools and it might help children from a younger age to understand the importance of equality but more than that the constitutional provisions, rules and laws should be implemented. Dalits are not in a position to implement those rules so the responsibility lies with all those in position. All these images and tweets are in an attempt to whitewash Shiv Sena’s crimes against Dalit-Bahujans. Seems like Dalit-Bahujans have a short memory and are willing to forget atrocities committed by Shiv Sena in past.
Here are a few reminders and peep from the past on Shiv Sena’s brutality against Dalit-Bahujans.
- Shiv Sena fought tooth and nail so that Dr Ambedkar’s book Riddles in Hinduism doesn’t get published. In some instances, Shiv Sena washed places with cow urine after Dalits had protested.
- Shiv Sena opposed and was part of the violence against Dalits demanding the change of name of Marathwada University to Dr Ambedkar university. Shiv Sena didn’t want the university to be polluted by renaming it after Babasaheb Ambedkar. Bal Thackeray had ridiculed Dalits’ demand saying, “people do not have flour at home and they demand university.”
- When the resolution to rename the university was adopted by the state assembly in 1978, Shiv Sena along with Congress unleashed another terror on Dalits, beating and raping Dalit women and burning Dalit activist Pochiram Kamble.
- In 1993, when a Dalit Panthers’ member Gautam Waghmare from Nanded committed self-immolation to press the issue of renaming the university. Bal Thackeray calling him a bevada (a drunkard), denigrating his martyrdom.
- How can anyone forget, when Dalit Panthers opposed Shiv Sena, the Shiv Sena unleashed riots against Dalits in the Worli in Mumbai in January 1974. Dalit Panther activist Bhagwat Jadhav was brutally murdered by the Shiv Sena.
- In the 1960s, when Dalits started asserting their right to have land, Shiv Sena not only opposed but started destroying crops and homes of Dalits.
- In 1995s, first thing after coming to power with BJP, Shiv Sena withdraw over 1000 cases of atrocities on Dalits, mostly committed by Shiv Sena members.
- In 1997, when Dr Ambedkar’s statue in Ramabai Nagar was desecrated and Dalits came out to protest, Shiv Sena-BJP government ordered firing on peaceful protesters, killing 10 Dalits and injuring more than 50.
- Shiv Sena opposed the implementation of the Mandal commission.
- Shiv Sena’s major target was the South Indian community, trade unions and Shiv Sena helped managements of big companies to crush worker’s rights.
- Shiv Sena took part in the demolition of Babri Masjid.
- Shiv Sena led anti-Muslim pogrom in Mumbai in 92-93.
- Shiv Sena’s mouthpiece Saamna has always been a promoter of Hindutva and Hindu Rashtra.
- Shiv Sena people opposed reservation to Dalits.
This is what is Shiv Sena’s real face, which none should ever forget! Hatred toward Dalits from Shiv Sena, Congress or BJP/RSS is nothing new and no one should try to whitewash their crimes against Dalit-Bahujans by any means.
Every body should be given a chance to be like Angulimala.