18 Ways To Sterilize Anti-Social Seeds (Brahminism)


(Translation of Marathi article published in ‘Samrat’ Bahujan daily from Mumbai, dated: 27/08/04 under the caption ‘Samajik Vishamtechya Bijanchi Nasbandi, authored by Deepak Salve, translated into English by C.C.Hadke)

It is essential to sterilize anti-social seeds. Except for Brahmins, the people from Bahujan communities need have to follow some conditions. These conditions are very hard to implement. But, due to this Bahujans shall progress in the field of economy, science and education. This is the assured road to the progress of our Bahujans, I bet.

The conditions are as follows :

  1. Not to perform Satyanarayana pooja.
  2. Appeasement of building (Vastushanti), worship, Gruhshanti, Grushpravesh, seeing auspicious timing of marriage, Horoscope ( I would rather say Horrorscope of BSO), Kundali, Naming ceremony, dashkriya and other such innumerable ceremonies should not be performed either through Brahmins or better not to be performed at all.
  3. Not to keep any kind of relations with Brahmins.
  4. Not to read or believe Brahmin’s religious books/literature viz. Vedas, Puranas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Geeta, Dharmasutras, hymns, Upanishadas, Chanakyaniti, Manusmurti etc.
  5. Not to pay donations or any kind of help for building temples of gods/goddesses of Hindu religions or other such monuments.
  6. No to touch Brahmins and treat their shadows as bad-omen (apshakun).
  7. Better give alms to needy beggars, but never give alms to any Brahmins whatsoever the case it may be.
  8. Not to see astrology from any Brahmin, in fact from anyone.
  9. Not to perform any kind of marriage ceremony from Brahmin.
  10. Stop going to glimpse of god/goddess (on pilgrimage).
  11. Not to give any kind of Daan/donation to Brahmin viz. Cloth, Food and Money.
  12. Not to get victimized to shrewdness, intelligence and obstinacy of Brahmins.
  13. Not to get victimized of godmen/women, buwabaji, bhajan, kirtan, taal, playing instrumental music on the name of God.
  14. Not to perform any kind of worship of gods/goddesses which are created by Brahmins. Instead, better worship and make a big show of our ideals i.e. Shahuji Maharaj, Jotiba Phule, Savitribai Phule, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Gadge Maharaj, Tukaram Maharaj, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.
  15. Not to perform Shraddha and Pind-daan ceremonies.
  16. Not to attend lectures/sermons of Brahmin, Buwa, Maharaj, Satsangi.
  17. Not to perform any festivals which are created by Brahmins. Having been so, Brahmin’s employment guarantee schemes shall be annihilated for good/ever and as such anti-social seeds of Brahmins shall automatically cease to exist anymore in future. With this Bahujans shall break the mighty shackle of Hinduism/Brahminism forever. Bahujans shall be god free and shall think scientifically, rationally. All this shall lead Bahujans on the path of progress in the field of economy, science and self-reliance.
  18. Give up reading Manuvadi print media-news papers (‘Toilet papers’ in the language of V.T. Rajshekar, Editor: Dalit Voice, Bangalore), watching Manuvadi serials, TV, websites and other electronic media. Always read our media papers via. Samrat, Mahanayak (Bahujan Dailies, which have been proved a nightmare to BSO print media. Also other periodicals like Dalit Voice (Bangalore), Bahujan Media (Nagpur), Ambedkar Mission Patrika (Patna), Probuddha Jagat (New Delhi), Rationalist Voice (Hyderabad), Jai Bhim (Nagpur), Bheem Patrika (Jalandhar) and etc. Read our ideal’s literature viz. Writing and Speeches of Dr. Ambedkar 19 Volumes so far, Mahatma Jotiba Phule, Sahu Maharaj and etc. These all will give us fore-vision and inspiration to fight back with our ever undefeated archrival BSO who is always with us in invisible form. We can detect it through knowledge as stated above.
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I am cocksure that Bahujans shall make all-round progress in every sphere of life if they strictly implement these points in their actual rather I would say personal life, or else, there shall be no option left but to get victimized/deceived by Brahmins who have been doing so for more than 5 millennia. This is the whole fact, for one may believe or not.

BSO (Brahminical Social Order) has been depriving of education for ages to us. BSO has been keeping innumerable generations busy in worshipping, temple, pilgrimage (Kumbhamela), karmakands, rites, rituals, kirtan, bhajan, playing instruments of devotional songs etc. Hitherto, Brahmins have been fed on (imaginary) gods and temples without any physical hard work, without perspiration. As such they are generally pot-bellied(fat). Any social progress of us (Bahujans) means a hindrance to or annihilation of their (Brahmin’s) employment guarantee schemes. So far, Brahmins never kept busy their children in worshipping god. Brahmins are ever anxious for becoming their children doctors or engineers or any other high professional degree. Every Brahmin’s dream about their children is how quick they go to America or any other developed country. On the other hand Brahmin’s make injustice in depriving of Bahujan’s children. This is the glaring as well as closely guarded facts of their life.

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The veins of employment guarantee schemes of Brahmins and destroying anti-social seeds that sown by Brahmins for their own benefit are certainly in the hand of Bahujans. This should be deeply contemplated/thought by Bahujans for their own liberation from the jaws of BSO regime. BSO (Brahminical Social Order) is invincible and unconquerable and formidable ever. So, in order to get rid of BSO for good/ever, the above said points must be strictly implemented. There is no option left, for I am very sorry to say to our Bahujans in this era. Disease given by Manuvadi to Bahujans is like cancer so medicine and its related prohibitions must be strictly followed in order to cure this serious disease. So are these 18 points (conditions) and its implementation is sure road/remedy to defeat ever invincible, formidable and unconquerable enemy Manuwadi (BSO) in this country.

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  1. 1

    These baba are pointed to brainwash people of India especially Punjab in doaba region
    because in previous 100 years Dalits of Punjab are continuously getting respectable jobs like ias ips pcs etc. to stop awareness in people of Punjab they made these policies.

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