9th January – Remembering Fatima Sheikh On Her Birth Anniversary


Fatima Sheikh was an Indian educator, who was a colleague of the social reformers Jyotiba Phule and Savitribai Phule. Fatima Sheikh was the sister of Mian Usman Sheikh, in whose house Jyotiba and Savitribai Phule took up residence. One of the first Muslim women teachers of modern India, she started educating Dalit children in Phule’s school. Jyotiba and Savitribai Phule along with Fatima Sheikh took charge of spreading education among the downtrodden communities.

Savitrimai and Fatima Shaikh, her colleague and the first Muslim teacher of India. The Phule couple had lived with Fatima and her brother Usman Shaikh at their house in Mominpura in Ganj Peth between 1841- 1847 after they were ostracized by the Mali community.

We must not forget the contribution of Fatima Sheikh along with Savitribai Phule. Fatima Sheikh’s family supported Phule couple when so-called upper castes were planning to kill them for educating untouchables, Fatima Sheikh’s family helped Phule family.

Read also:  Mahatma Jyothirao Phule and Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Educational Circle

It is believed that Mahatama Phule while teaching Savitrimai, could have also trained Fatima bi. Sadly, very little has been documented on Fatima bi and her life struggles. Fatima Sheikh’s contribution towards empowering marginalized communities must be studied and brought to light.

9th January marks the birth anniversary of Fatima Sheikh and we salute her for her amazing work!

Read also – Honouring the Contribution of Fatima Sheikh

Fatima Sheikh

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