Hinduism Is Hindutva


The following poster most likely created by some Brahminical mindset has been circulating around on social media today. It is nothing new and attempts to set aside Hinduism from Hindutva have been made many times. Hinduism should rightfully be called Brahminism actually as 3% Brahmins control everything about Hinduism.

First thing, Hindutva and Hinduism are not opposed to each other, they are synonymous.

Point 1 mentions, “Hinduism is a great union of various cultures and traditions”, which is just crap, what culture or traditions are you talking about? Sati and Devadasi systems were your traditions and culture, are you taking pride in that? Hinduism still doesn’t let so-called lower castes enter temples and treat them as humans, the only culture that Hinduism has is caste culture and for which you should be ashamed.

Hindutva Hinduism

There are a lot of confusions created purposely by Brahminical mindsets over the difference between Hinduism and Hindutva. We Ambedkarites don’t see any difference between both Hinduism and Hindutva and both are bound to protect each other.

Invasion by the Aryans destroyed Dravidian indigenous culture which is thousands of years older than Hindu civilization. So it’s not a great union of various cultures and traditions.

Point 2 mentions, Hinduism being 1000s of years old and way of life and blah blah… But is it really true?

The word Hindu came up from the eighth century. It came up as a geographical identity. This term was coined by Arabs-Persians who came to this part of the subcontinent. As they crossed river Sindhu and they pronounced it as a Hindu.

The only way of life in Hinduism is living according to your caste position and following caste duties assigned to different caste groups. It is as ridiculous as it could be. It can’t be said a way of life. When 3% Brahmins decide everyone else’ future, how could it be said way of life? Majority of the population doesn’t even have a choice to shape or live their lives.

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Point 3 is taking pride in Hinduism having multiple texts. Hinduism has multiple texts like Vedas, Manusmriti, Puranas etc. Why does Hinduism have multiple texts and why it brought one text after another? To understand that one can go through Riddle In Hinduism book by Dr Ambedkar. In short, I have no hesitation in saying that these texts were produced to justify and keep the caste system intact. There was no other motive of writing these books than keeping the caste system firm and to keep Brahmin’s grip over others.

The brute hierarchical caste system which is the core of the Indian social society has origin in Rigveda. Recommending all of you to read the Vedas and Puranas to know hard-hitting truth.

When Buddhism came up with the message of equality and it started appealing to large sections of society, who opted for the values of social equality and embraced this religion. Buddhism saw its peak during the regime of Maurya.

Buddha squarely rejected the supreme authority of the Vedas. Shankaracharya who was the founder of philosophical Hinduism upgraded Hinduism to counter Buddhism.

Buddhism was wiped out from this land in the process and all the other religious traditions had to under the umbrella of Hinduism. So it’s not pluralistic in any sense as mentioned in point 4.

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Point 5 about Hinduism being inclusiveness is kind of a joke or what? While Brahmins divided the society in 1000s of castes to keep and maintain their purity and introduced the idea of purity and impurity based on birth, how the hell one could even say such shit as Hinduism being inclusive? How inclusive is Hinduism/Brahminism in accommodating even different caste groups? Hinduism and inclusiveness both are opponents of each other. As Babasaheb said in his book Pakistan or the Partition of India: Whatever may Hindu say it doesn’t make any difference that Hinduism is a danger to Independence, Equality and Brotherhood.

In last point 6, it talks about Hinduism equal to secularism and mentions Rig Veda. It is just another joke or what? Rig Veda talks about Brahmins born out of head, Kashtriya from arms, Vaishya from thighs and Shudras from feet, which sums up what your Veda are all about. Mentioning Hinduism being secular is just making a mockery of secularism.

Till the time the hegemony of so-called upper-caste Hindus will not come to end any point of taking pride in democracy. One Brahmin is fighting against another Brahmin will not bring any kind revolution. Let DBA Should lead the revolution.

All those sharing this image and trying to set Hindutva apart from Hinduism and Brahminism are in reality Sanghi salesmen, selling Hindutva to liberals. One must understand that there is no difference between Hinduism and Hindutva, both are the same and dangerous for society.

Finally, we are neither Hindu nor Hindutavadi!

The author could be reached on Twitter at @Bhaujan_text

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  1. 3
    Sandy Tatham

    Thank you for giving me some clarity on this topic. I often ask BJP supporters what Hinduism or Hindutva is, what are the benefits to them, what ethics and moral values do they gain from it, but they can say little. The average self-professed Hindu seems to have little idea, just that it is to follow dharma. When I ask what dharma is they can’t explain.

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