Two Events of December 25th, The Symbolic Victory of Good Over Evil


25th December is a significant day for millions of lovers of social justice in India. On this day in 1927, Babasaheb Ambedkar got burnt the Manu Smriti and on this day in 1954, he got installed the statue of the Buddha in Dehu Road. This is why this day is very significant in the lives of those seeking liberation from the caste system.

As Babasaheb Ambedkar described the history of India is nothing but the conflict between Buddhism and Brahminism, the burning of Manu and establishing the statue of the Buddha are the symbolic gestures in the liberation movement of the untouchables. Babasaheb Ambedkar also found that the practice of untouchability is the outcome of the conflict between Buddhism and Brahminism. He claimed, just like the great Iyothee Thass from South India, that the untouchables were the followers of the Buddha. If we look at the origin of untouchability and the origin of slavery, along with the origin of the caste system in India, we can understand that they are interrelated.

The norms that were advocated by Brahminism were codified by as the codes of Manu. Manu is the worst kind of disease that inflicted India over many centuries and it is still haunting India. The code of the Manu, along with the host of other codes, were enforced through the force and punishment. Manu is the name evil that destroyed humanity fully and completely. If the women in India read Manu Smriti, they will not only burn the Manu Smriti but will also destroy the source of Manu: Brahminism. If the Shudras, the OBCs, read the Manu Smriti, they will at once up their revolution against it.

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But the Shudras and women are so much under the spell of Brahmins that they do not know that they have been reduced nothing by the Manu Smriti and a host of Brahminical books. What they have been told is that they are part of some glorious culture. It is an inglorious culture with inhumanness at the root of it.

Babasaheb Ambedkar sketched a clear spiritual path for his people: the path of the Buddha. The Buddha not only taught the methods to liberate human minds and human societies but also destroyed Brahminism in the past and the remarkable revolution of the Buddha was countered with the counterrevolution. The Manu Smriti is the book of counterrevolution against the great revolution of the Buddha. How to counter the counterrevolution against Buddhism of the Brahmins is an important question.

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The grand method is made clear this day: burn the sources of views that the larger mass of Hindus hold as dear and usher them on the path of enlightenment and freedom. The day also marks the birthday of Christ, who started his movement among the poor and wretched, himself a son of the carpenter, who knew the plights of the people firsthand. The Dalit Christians among us have the great opportunity to rediscover the spirit of Christ for the more better and human society.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

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