D for Democracy, Not Dictatorship


Going by the book, Democracy is the system of governing for the people, by the people, and of the people. Apart from this, what people know about democracy is that the elected representatives engage in the governing system to satisfy the common man’s demand and to make a harmonized society. But what will happen when the elected representatives no more represent the people’s will? What if the people are not allowed to raise their demands? What if the people who ask questions to the system are called as anti-national? What if the elections are rigged? What if the basic constitutional tenets are harmed by the elected representatives?  Then comes the real question of DEMOCRACY which we have taken for granted and of the constitution drafted by Dr. Ambedkar. The democracy in the minds of our constitution makers meant – a committed judiciary, press committed to the profession and not to political parties, concerned and awake citizens who preserve all liberties that go to make a democratic society.

Consent of the people for whom the laws are made should be addressed while making laws. In a democratic setup, the politicians must know what the people want, but he must also have the data on which he can outline schemes to satisfy the needs of the people. It is the parliament important functions to act as a watchdog of the activities of the executive and it is to the credit of the opposition that it has ever kept a vigilant eye open in this respect. But unfortunately, the opposition is doing its own needful to somehow be in power. The valuable time of parliament is wasted when ruckus is created and the debate is stalled and it is not in the national interest. It is the duty of the party in power as well as the opposition to listen to each other and to give feedback to improvise the discussion so that the root question is addressed.

Pressure on press and independent newspapers have to cope with even in a democratic country like India. This is not the first time that” THE HINDU” has been denied for government ads., but also in 1971. When the press is frightened, democracy is subverted. Newspapers that do not follow a particular party’s line are threatened with extinction. In 2014, the current PM of India tweeted” India has won” after his huge electoral victory. Does that mean that all the other parties except NDA were” anti-India”? In a democracy, and that too in a parliamentary form of democracy, one party should not claim itself as the only nationalist party because even the other party members are elected by the people of India. So is it legitimate to call the people’s decision as ”anti-national”? The opposition should be loyal to the constitution and not to the government of the day. What is the use of opposition party if its views are not recognized? Dissent and opposition should be acknowledged as legitimate, not anti-national. INC had the majority but they rightly and fairly acknowledged the opposition while making a constitution.

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Is there any standard by which we can judge the democracy? The co-existence of Social movements along with opposition and dissent make Indian democracy. Democracy is a living thing, it evolves and acquires different forms. The democracy should be promoted through an orderly application of basic institutional rules under the constitution and must move in diversity to work in an orderly manner. We have to discourage communal forces and should not use them for the sake of political power as this will harm the secular nature of India in the long term. Political gains should not outweigh the cost of democracy and constitutional values. The political parties should walk on the path of consensus-building and transparency. A sense of security should be restored across all the sections of society.  The future will answer the questions arising out of the controversial abrogation of article 370 and the NRC process which may be implemented pan India along with the Citizenship Amendment Bill 2019 in the long term.

Our constitution makers toiled day and night to draft holy book of the constitution to secure the future of India and to give us freedom. We have taken this freedom and democracy for granted. Taking a holiday trip on election day, electing the criminal to represent the people, ignoring the misuse of the constitution by the government in power, by not taking a stand against the socio-political wrongs, etc. We are undermining our rights as well as duties that make the soul of the constitution. When we say the “democracy” is the rule of the people, by the people and for the people, we have to check whether this is followed in letter and spirit. There are many instances in 70 years of Indian democracy when people in power have misused the constitution and law of the land for the sake of power.” Power” to rule, ” Power” for making wealth. Why don’t we ask ourselves why poverty is still the issue after 70 years, why people need MNREGA like schemes? Why we are lacking in technology when we huge numbers of engineers in the country? The lawmakers are constitutionally compelled to answer all these questions. And if we are not getting satisfactory answers, then there is something wrong with the system. ”System” a word on lips of everyone – What it is exactly? It is simply a structural manner to empower the society through checks and balances, to give justice to all, to make sure that none is hungry, and to make sure that the system is doing its best to make the society peaceful, happy, harmonized and aware.

Read also:  Dr Ambedkar's Speech at World Fellowship of Buddhists, Nepal

Democracy doesn’t fall due to corrupt, powerful and incompetent leaders but due to powerless and ignorant citizens. Remember even Hitler used the constitution to be a dictator and the people of Germany blindly followed his diktat. The rest is history. It’s the duty of “We” the people of India to preserve the Idea of India and let the Tiranga fly high in the sky.

Author – Sonawane Akshay

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  1. 1
    Baldev Singh

    In Indian subcontinent there is no perfect democracy. In Kerala people are more educated than Bihar or UP and also in Kerala there is less poverty as compared to other part of India . Therefore in Kerala you will find better democracy than in other part of India . Also there are differences in THEORY AND PRACTICE

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