How To Study Buddhist Texts In The Present Context?
Traditionally, Buddhist canonical literature is divided into Vinaya pitaka, sutta pitaka, and Abhidhamma pitaka. This classification is valid in almost all Buddhist traditions. Added to this body of texts are the commentaries and other Buddhist sutras.
The purpose of the Buddhist texts is to reveal what is hidden, to point out to the truths of our being and our mind, to lessen the burden that we carry of speculative ideologies and thoughts, and to see/ experience the way it is. And to encourage a society that will support this culture of awakening.
The Vinaya if understood in the context of just the Buddhist Sangha cannot be understood in the context of entire human society. Vinaya are the social codes which are essential for any society to be equal and harmonious. The Vinaya as written by K.L. Hazra also gives us the constitution of the Buddhist Sangha. Every human society needs agreed-upon laws that treats people equally and provides security from the tyranny of oppression. Vinaya as social codes founded on the ultimate value of community can be an important method to form a harmonious society that encourages individual freedom.
Interestingly, in the Buddha and His Dhamma, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar defined various types of Vinayas. Vinaya for householders, to give an example. Can we develop Vinaya for our social organisations and social movements? The study of Vinaya is important from this point of view.
Suttas offer us narrative teachings and are aids to penetrate deeper truths about our own nature and how to realise that. There are many suttas on wide-ranging topics and of many flavours and tastes. Suttas also contains many methods by which one can train one’s mind to experience the way it is. The suttas must be studied with various attitudes.
Abhidhamma contains the notes of the Buddha on the nature and working of the human mind. It has a lot of technical tools and filled with special terms which can be understood in the context of the actual study of the human mind. This study of Abhidhamma can offer us support in training our minds in a methodological way.
This threefold classification of the Buddha’s teaching is relevant to our context as we need to practice and adhere to social codes based on liberty, equality, and fraternity. We need continuous study of suttas, and we need the light of Abhidhamma to illumine our human minds.
Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist
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