Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Writings and Speeches as Appeared in Volumes


Writings and Speeches of Dr B R Ambedkar as appeared in Volumes compiled by the Education Department, Government of Maharashtra. [You can download Dr Ambedkar’s books in various languages from here.]

Volume 1

  1. Castes in India; Their Mechanism, Genesis and Development • Paper • 9thMay 1916
  2. Annihilation of Caste • Book • 1936
  3. Maharashtra as a Linguistic Province (Statement submitted to the Linguistic Provinces Commission) • Statement • 1948
  4. Need for Checks and Balances- Article on Linguistic State • 1953
  5. Thoughts on Linguistic States • Book • 1955
  6. Ranade, Gandhi and Jinnah • Speech • 1943
  7. Evidence before the Southborough Committee • Written Statement • 1919
  8. Federation versus Freedom • Speech • 1939
  9. Communal Deadlock and a Way to Solve it • Speech • 1945
  10. States and Minorities: What are their Rights and How to secure them in the Constitution of Free India • Memorandum • 1947
  11. Small Holdings in India and their Remedies • Paper • 1918
  12. Mr. Russell and the reconstruction of Society • Review •1918

Volume 2

  1. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in the Bombay Legislature • Speech, Questions and Debate • 1927 to 1939.
  2. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar with the Simon Commission (Indian Statutory Commission) • Report, Statements and Evidence • 1928 to 1932.
  3. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar at the Round Table Conferences • Memorandum and Evidence • 1930 to 1933.

Volume 3

(Published Posthumously) All individual Essays compiled by the editorial team of Dr.B. R. Ambedkar source material publication committee.

  1. Philosophy of Hinduism
  2. The Hindu Social Order- Its Essential Principles
  3. The Hindu Social Order- Its Unique Features
  4. Symbols of Hinduism
  5.  Ancient India on Exhumation
  6. The Ancient Regime
  7. A Sunken Priesthood
  8. Reformers and Their Fate
  9. The Decline and fall of Buddhism
  10. The Literature of Brahminism
  11. The Triumph of Brahminism
  12. The Morals of the House
  13. Krishna and His Gita
  14. Analytical Notes of Virat Parva and Udyog Parva
  15. Brahmins versus Kshatriyas
  16. Shudras and the Counter-Revolution
  17. The Woman and the Counter-Revolution
  18. Buddha or Karl Marx
  19. Schemes of Books

Volume 4

(Published Posthumously) Riddles in Hinduism –An Exposition to enlighten the masses. (All individual Essays compiled by the editorial team of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar source material publication committee.)

  1. The Difficulty of Knowing why one is a Hindu
  2. The Orgin of the Vedas – The Brahminic Explanation or an exercise in the art of circumlocution
  3. The Testimony of other Shastras on the orgin of the Vedas
  4. Why suddenly the Brahmins declare the Vedas to be infallible and not to be questioned?
  5. Why did the Brahmins go further and declare that the Vedas are neither made by man nor by God?
  6. The Contents of the Vedas: Have they any moral or spiritual value?
  7. The turn of the tide Or How did the Brahmins declare the Vedas to be lower than the lowest of their Shastras?
  8. How the Upanishads declared war on the Vedas?
  9. How the Upanishads came to be made subordinate to the Vedas?
  10. Why did the Brahmins make the Hindu Gods fight against one another?
  11. Why did the Brahmins make the Hindu Gods suffer to rise and fall?
  12. Why the Brahmins did dethrone the Gods and enthrones the Goddesses?
  13. The Riddle of the Ahimsa
  14. From Ahimsa to Himsa
  15. How did the Brahmins Wed an Ahimsak God to a Bloodthirsty Goddess?
  16. The Riddle of the Vedas
  17. The Riddle of the Vedanta
  18. The Riddle of the Triomurti
  19. Smarth Dharma and Tantrik Dharma
  20. The Infallibility of the Vedas
  21. The Four Varnas- Are the Brahmins sure of their origin?
  22. The Four Ashramas- the Why and How about them.
  23. Manu’s madness or the Brahmanic explanation of the origin of the mixed castes.
  24. The Change from Paternity to Maternity. What did the Brahmins wish to gain by it?
  25. Kali Varjya or the Brahminic art of suspending the operation of Sin without calling it Sin.
  26. The Riddle of the Varnashram Dharma.
  27. Compulsory Matrimony
  28. The Theory of Manvantra
  29. Brahma is not Dharma. What good is Brahma?
  30. Kali yuga- Why have the Brahmins made it unending?
  31. The Riddle of the Kali Yuga.
  32. The Riddle of Rama and Krishna.

Volume 5

(Published Posthumously) Untouchables or the children of India’s ghetto. (All individual Essays compiled by the editorial team of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar source material Publication Committee.)

  1. Untouchability – Its Source
  2. Untouchability- Their Numbers
  3. Slaves and Untouchables
  4. Outside the Fold
  5. Unfit for human Association
  6. Untouchability and Lawlessness
  7. Why Lawlessness is Lawfull?
  8.  (Roots of the Problem) Parallel Cases
  9. Hindus and want of Public Conscience
  10. Hindus and their want of Social Conscience
  11. The Hindu and his belief in Caste
  12.  (What the Untouchables have to face) Antagonism of the Administration
  13. Problem of Discrimination
  14. Problem of Isolation
  15. Civilization of Felony
  16. The House the Hindus have built
  17. The Rock on which it is built
  18. Touchables versus Untouchables
  19. The Curse of Caste
  20. From millions to fractions
  21. The Revolt of the Untouchables
  22. Held at bay
  23. Their wishes are Laws unto us
  24. Under the Providence of Mr. Gandhi
  25. Gandhi and his fast
  26. A warning to the Untouchables
  27. Away from the Hindus (Conversion)
  28. Caste and Conversion
  29. Christianizing the Untouchables
  30. The condition of the convert

Volume 6

  1. Administration and Finance of the East India Company • Dissertation • 1915
  2. The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India: A study in the Provincial Decentralization of Imperial Finance • Study/Research • 1925.
  3. The Problem of Rupee: Its Origin and its Solution • Book • 1923
  4. Statement of Evidence to the Royal Commission on Indian Currency •  1925
  5. The Present Problem in Indian Currency – I • Article • 1925
  6. The Present Problem in Indian Currency – II • Article • 1925
  7. Currency and Exchange • Review • 1925
  8. Report of the Taxation Enquiry Committee,1926 • Review • 1926
  9. Foreword to Commodity Exchange by P. G. Salve •1946
  10. Foreword to Social Insurance and India by M. R. Idgunji  •1946

Volume 7

WHO WERE THE SHUDRAS? How they came to be the Fourth Varna in the Indo-Aryan Society • Book • 1947

THE UNTOUCHABLES, Who Were They and Why They Became Untouchables? • Book • 1948

Volume 8


Volume 9

  1. What Congress and Gandhi have done to the Untouchables • Book • 1945
  2. Mr. Gandhi and the Emancipation of the Untouchables • Book • 1943

Volume 10

Dr. Ambedkar as member of the Governor-General’s Executive Council (1942-46)

  1. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar : A Biographical Sketch
  2. Appointment as Labour Member of the Viceroy’s Council
  3. The Need for uniformity in Labour Legislation
  4. Election of a Member to the Advisory Committee of Geological Survey of India.
  5. The Situation in India
  6. Election of a Member to the Advisory Committee of Geological Survey of India.
  7. Why Indian Labour is determined to win the War
  8. The Paper control Order
  9. Announcement  re : Grant of Inadequate Dearness Allowance to Workers
  10. The Indian Finance Bill
  11. Election of Members to the Standing Committee for the Labour Department
  12. The Indian Tea Control (Amendment) Bill
  13. The War Injuries (Compensation Insurance) Bill
  14. Employment Exchanges for Skilled and Semi-Skilled Personnel
  15. The Indian Boilers (Amendment) Bill
  16. The Motor Vehicles (Drivers) Amendment Bill
  17. The Mines Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Bill
  18. The War injuries (Compensation Insurance) Bill
  19. First Session of Plenary Labour Conference
  20. Labour and Parlimentary Democracy
  21. The Indian Trade Unions ( Amendment) Bill
  22. Post-war Development of Electric Power in India
  23. Labour Member’s visit to jharia Coalfields
  24. Labour Member visits Coalmines
  25. Promotion of Labour Welfare in India
  26. Lifting the ban on Employment of Women on Underground work in Coalmines
  27. The Coalmines Safety (stowing) Amendment Bill
  28. Government Policy towards Labour
  29. Miscellaneous Departments
  30. Protection of Mosques in New Delhi
  31. The Factories (Amendment) Bill
  32. Advisory Committee on Coalmines Welfare Fund
  33. Mica Industry to be placed on a sound and stable footing
  34. Standing Labour Committee discusses recognition of Trade Unions
  35. Post-war Employment of skilled workers
  36. Plenary Session of Tripartite Labour Conference
  37. The Factories (Second Amendment) Bill
  38. The Payment of Wages (Amendment) Bill
  39. Damodar Valley Scheme-Calcutta Conference
  40. Post-war Electric Power Development
  41. Government Policy re Minaral Resources of India
  42. Labour Policy of Government of India
  43. Need for Immediate re-imposition of ban on Employment of Women Underground in Mines
  44. Department of Labour : Demand for Supplementary Grants
  45. The Mines Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Bill
  46. The Factories (Second Amendment ) Bill
  47. The Mines Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Bill
  48. Health Insurance for Industrials Workers
  49. War work of National Service Labour Tribunals
  50. Multi-purpose Development of Damodar Valley
  51. Housing of India’s Industrials Workers
  52. State’s Obligations to labour
  53. Multi-purpose Plan for development of Orissa’s rivers
  54. Rejection of Railwaymen’s Federation Demands
  55. Proposed evacuation of villagers in the prosecution of the Damodar Scheme
  56. Workmen’s Compensation (Amendment) Bill
  57. Indian Mines (Amendment) Bill
  58. Factories (Amendment) Bill
  59. Rehabilitation Plans
  60. Welfare and Social Security of Workers
  61. Muslims have fared much better in Labour Department
  62. The Indian Finance Bill
  63. Strike by workers of Government of India Press
  64. Factories (Amendment) Bill
  65. Mica Mines Labour welfare Fund Bill
  66. Miscellaneous
  67. Grievances of the Scheduled Castes: By Dr. Ambedkar
  68. Note by Sir S. Cripps
  69. Dr. Ambedkar and Mr. S. Raja to Sir S. Cripps
  70. Sir R. Lumley (Bombay) to the Marquess of Linlithgow (Extract)
  71. Cripps Proposal
  72. Statement of Dr.Ambedkar on the Cripps Proposals
  73. The Marquess of Linlithgow to Mr.Amery
  74. War Cabinet Paper W.P. (42) 283 Memorandum by the Lord Privy Seal
  75. The Marquess of Linlithgow to Mr.Amery
  76. The Marquess of Linlithgow to Mr.Amery
  77. Dr. Ambedkar to the Marquess of Linlithgow
  78. Precis of discussion in the Viceroy’s Executive Council
  79. Field Marshal Viscount Wawell to Mr. Amery
  80. Dr. Ambedkar to Field Marshal Viscount Wavell
  81. Field Marshal Viscount Wawell to Lord Pethick Lawrence
  82. Note of meeting between Cabinet delegation, Lord Wawell and Dr. Ambedkar
  83. Dr. Ambedkar to Lord Wavell
  84. Members of the Executive Council to Field Marshal Viscount Wawell
  85. Dr. Ambedkar to Rt. Hon’ble Mr. A. V. Alexander
  86. Dr. Ambedkar to Lord Pethick-Lawrence
  87. Lord Pethick-Lawrence to Dr. Ambedkar
  88. Rao Bahadur Sivaraj to Field Marshal Viscount Wawell
  89. Mr. Attlee to Dr. Ambedkar
  90. Dr. Ambedkar to Mr. Attlee
  91. Lord Pethick Lawrence to Mr. Attlee
  92. Lord Pethick Lawrence to Mr. Attlee
  93. A Critique of the proposal of the Cabinet Mission by Dr. Ambedkar
  94. Questions and Answers on 472 matters in the Council

Volume 11 (Published Posthumously)

The Buddha and his Dhamma • Book • 1957

Volume 11 (Supplement) Sources and Index by Vasant Moon • 1995

  1. Preface
  2. Pali sources of the text with notes
  3. Index to the text
  4. Bibliography
  5. Epithets of Buddha

Volume 12 (Published Posthumously)

  1. Ancient Indian Commerce
  2. Commercial Relations of India in the Middle Ages (or) The rise of Islam and the Expansion of Western Europe
  3. India on the Eve of the Crown Government
  4. The Untouchables and the Pax Britannica
  5. Lectures on the English Constitution:  Preface, (i) Principles underlying the English Constitution, (ii) What is Parliament, (iii) The Crown, (iv) The House of Lords, (v) The Powers and Priviledge of the Lords and the Commons.
  6. Paramountcy and the Claim of the Indian States to be Independent
  7. The Common Law
  8. The Dominion Status
  9. The Law of Specific Relief
  10. The Law of Trust
  11. The Law of Limitation
  12. The Law of Criminal Procedure
  13. The Transfer of Property Act
  14. The Law of Evidence
  15. Waiting for a Visa (Autobiographical notes)
  16. The Constitution of British India
  17. Notes on Parliamentary Procedure
  18. Notes on History of India
  19. Manu and the Shudras
  20. Preservation of Social Order
  21. With the Hindus
  22. Frustration
  23. The problem of Political Suppression
  24. Which is worse? Slavery or Untouchability?

Volume 13 Dr. Ambedkar – The principal Architect of The Constitution of India.

(i) Dr. Ambedkar’s entry into the Constituent Assembly

(ii) Presentation of the Draft of the Indian Constitution to the Constituent Assembly

(iii) first reading of the Draft Constitution (November 4 1948

(iv) Discussion on the Articles of the Draft Constitution (15 November

third reading of the Draft Constitution ( 17th November 1949

Volume 14

Dr. Ambedkar and the Hindu Code Bill.

  1. Hindu Code Bill referred to select committee
  2. The Draft Hindu code bill by Dr. Ambedkar along with the then existing Hindu code as amended by the select committee
  3. Discussion on the Hindu Code after return of the Bill from the select committee (11th February 1994 to 14th December 1950)
  4. Hindu Code Bill (Clause by Clause Discussion)
  5. Statement by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in parliament in explanation of his resignation from the cabinet.
  6. Hindu code Bill and its purpose – by Dharemadeo Vidyavachaspati in Hindi.

Volume 15

Dr. Ambedkar as Free India’s First Law minister and Member of Opposition in Indian Parliament, (1947 to 1956)   Section I to VIII

20th November 1947 to 31st March 1949

  1. Foreign exchange regulation (Amendment Bill)
  2. Appointment of Statutory law revision committee
  3. Indian Nursing Council Bill
  4. Extra provincial Jurisdiction Bill
  5. Federal Court (Enlargement of Jurisdiction) Bill
  6. Provincial Insolvency (Amendment) Bill
  7. Resolution Re: Extension of Period Mentioned in sections 2 and 3 of India Act 1946 as adapted.

3rd February 1950 to 20th April 1950

  1. Insolvency Law (Amendment) Bill
  2. Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill
  3. Escape of Mir Laik Ali from custody
  4. Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification Bill)
  5. Motion of Adjournment
  6. Societies Registration (Amendment Bill)
  7. Army Bill
  8. Part C States (Laws) Bill
  9. Representation of the People Bill.
  10. 1st August 1950 to 22nd December 1950
  11. Dentists (Amendment) Bill.
  12. Resolution Re: Making of Laws by parliament in state list.
  13. Administration of evacuee property (Amendment) Bill.
  14. Qualifications for Elections to Parliament and Legislature of states.
  15. Coach-Behar (Assimilation of Laws) Bill.
  16. Indian Traffic (Fourth Amendment) Bill.
  17. Societies registration (Amendment) Bill.
  18. Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill.
  19. Demand No. 13 – Ministry of Law.

9th February 1951 to 21st April 1951

  1. Dentist (Amendment) Bill.
  2. Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Bill.
  3. Part B States (Laws) Bill.
  4. Supreme Court Advocates (Practice in High Court) Bill.
  5. Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Bill.
  6. Code of Civil Procedure (Second Amendment) Bill.
  7. Jallianwala Bagh National Memorial Bill.
  8. Constitution (First Amendment) Bill.
  9. 18th April 1951 to 19th May 1951
  10. Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill.
  11. 7th August 1951 to 12th October 1951
  12. Parliament – Prevention of Disqualification Bill.
  13. Assam (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill.
  14. Notaries Bill.
  15. Resolution regarding necessity for an All India Bar.
  16. Conduct of a Member of Parliament.
  17. Select Committee Meetings.
  18. Motions regarding delimitations of Constituencies of Order.
  19. Business of the House.
  20. Dr. Ambedkar’s letter of Resignation.

19th May 1952 to 6th December 1956

  1. Thanks on address by the president
  2. Budget (General) 1952 -1953 General Discussion.
  3. Andhra State Bill, 1953.
  4. Estate Duty Bill, 1953.
  5. International Situation
  6. Government order on Bank Disputes
  7. Report of Commissioner for Scheduled Castes and Tribes for 1953.
  8. Constitution (Third Amendment) Bill 1954.
  9. Untouchability Offence Bill, 1954.
  10. Constitution (Forth Amendment) Bill 1954
  11. States Reorganisation Bill. 1956
  12. Obituaries Reference – Demise of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar.

18th November 1947 to 28th September 1951

  1. Answers by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Law Minister, to the questions asked by the members of the parliament.

Volume 16

Pali Language

  1. The Pali Grammar
  2. The Pali Dictionary (a) Pali into English. (b) Pali into English, Marathi, Hindi and Gujarathi.
  3. Boudha Pooja Path

Volume 17

(Part One) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and his Egalitarian Revolution – Struggle for Human Rights. Events starting from March 1927 to 17th November 1956 in the chronological order are compiled in this volume.

  1. Mahad Satyagraha not for Water but to Establish Human Rights
  2. I have no Homeland
  3. Why I should be Proud of that Religion
  4. What more Gandhi expected from the Sanatanists?
  5. To take Legal steps against High Caste Hindus who harassed Untouchables
  6. Role of Dr. Ambedkar in bringing the untouchables on the political horizon of India and laying a foundation of Indian democracy
  1. Kalaram temple entry satyagraha, nasik and temple entry movement
  2. I am a Man of Character
  3. Instead of a Statue, a Public Library will be the Best Memorial of Sir Metha
  4. Public Bodies should help Canvasser
  5. Bhaurao Patil’s Institution deserves Support
  6. Complaint against me is Absolutely Unfounded
  7. Forwarding letter
  8. Pay more attention to Economic, Educational and Social Improvement rather than Temple Entry
  9. Nothing can Emancipate the Outcastes expect the Destruction of Caste System
  10. Rights not affected in the event of conversion
  11. Conversion movement sans selfish motives
  12. The independent Labour Party : A Source for Betterment of the Depressed classes
  13. Civil liberties of Indians
  14. in any other country such a minister would have beeen dismissed
  15. Socialists now inactive
  16. Let such institutions grow in to big libraries
  17. A bill to control and regulate money – lending
  18. I shall stand for principle and will fight alone for it
  19. Ministry seems to be intoxicated with power
  20. Injustice to Tiller of soil
  21. Dr. Ambedkar challenges Gwyer award
  22. I am anxious more than Mr. Jinnah
  23. When Buddha stopped animal Sacrifices, cows were sanctified by them
  24. Mahar have been martial People
  25. Representation relating to the grievances of the watandar Mahars, Mangs etc.
  26. I shall be more deadly against the Britishers than Hindus if……..
  27. Exclusion of depressed classes for, viceroy’s council as an outrage and Breach of faith
  28. Conference of all leaders of the Depressed classes all over India
  29. Dr. Ambedkar and the Jewish people
  30. I am not least interested in formation of Ministry
  31. Hinduism is political Ideology as the same character as………..
  32. We are a Separate element in the National life
  33. Scheduled Castes settlement be made at par with Bantus
  34. Hindus always regard Scheduled Castes as ‘Out side the pale’ of Hindu society
  35. Scheduled Castes’ case to be presented before U.N.O
  36. I fail to understand Attlee’s Statement
  37. Secure Adequate Safeguards for the Untouchables
  38. Indian Census
  39. Scheduled Castes in Pakistan should come over to India
  40. Scheduled Caste Refugees neglected
  41. Government should be impartial
  42. Be your own light!
  43. Hinduism is the Latest Development of social thought in India
  44. Scheduled Caste’s Emancipation- Draft Manifesto
  45. Resignation not due to illness
  46. Alliances with other Parties whose objectives not opposed to those of federation
  47. No man should be the judge in his own case
  48. Election petition
  49. Communists in Maharashtra
  50. Starving people ask for Bread
  51. Buddhist seminary to be started in Bangalore
  52. Buddhism disappeared from India due to wavering attitude of the Laity
  53. I’m prepared to save your life provided …….
  54. The political party does not exist for winning election, but for educating, agitating and organizing
  55. A letter to Jawaharlal Nehru regarding the Book ‘Buddha and His Dhamma’
  56. Bikhus should serve the Buddha by becoming preachers of his Dhamma
  57. I believe, my people will sacrifice everything to establish Buddhism in India
  58. Appendix-I : Brute force will not Sustain Untouchablity
  59. Appendix-II : Man’s Inhumanity to Man
  60. Appendix-III : Orthodox run mad
  61. Appendix-IV : Gandhi- Vallabhai Meeting  on Eve of Poona-pact
  62. Appendix- V : Comments on Round table Conference and Poona-Pact
  63. Appendix-VI : Dr. Ambedkar is now Putting Mr. Gandhi to an Acid Test
  64. Appendix-VII : Dr. Ambedkar wanted an extension in America
  65. Appendix-VIII : For the present Dr. Ambedkar must work as a probationer in accounts Department
  66. Appendix-IX : Take early action to repay your debt
  67. Appendix-X : Reaction on the Statement dated 19-6-1936 issued by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar on Conversion

Volume 17

(Part Two) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and his Egalitarian Revolution – Socio-political and religious activities. Events starting from November 1929 to 8th May 1956 in the chronological order are compiled in this volume. Articles, messages, prefaces etc.

  1. Religion and Priests be brought under proper control.
  2. Thoughts on the reforms of legal education in the Bombay Presidency.
  3. Dr. Ambedkar’s reply to Sir S. Radhakrishnan
  4. And the Lord said unto-
  5. Untouchable Workers of Bombay city
  6. Is Gandhi a Mahatma?
  7. Appeal for Purse to Marathi Scholar
  8. Knowledge is power in every field of life
  9. Congress attempts to bypass untouchables
  10. I do not share defeatist Mentality
  11. Our students should learn and lead
  12. Message to Maratha Mandir
  13. Not to stop until the Untouchables recover Manhood
  14. Preface to ‘The essence of Buddhism’ – third edition
  15. India’s Ancient past gave place to pessimism
  16. The meaning of the word ‘Receipt’
  17. Buddha and Future of his religion
  18. The rise and fall of the Hindu woman. Who was responsible for it?
  19. Saints’ literature can help to moral rearmament of man
  20. Out line – a people at Bay
  21. The Mahars. Who were they and how they became untouchables?
  22. Republican Party stands for Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Justice.
  23. ‘Buddha and His Dhamma’ one of the three
  24. Training school for entrance to politics
  25. Dr. Ambedkar on cabinet mission and transfer of power- Editorial Note.
  26. Proposal for representation of Scheduled Caste in the Executive Council.
  27. Memorandum submitted to the Cabinet mission
  28. Dr. Ambedkar’s interview with Cabinet mission
  29. A Note on the meeting between Dr. Ambedkar and Field Marshal Viscount Wavel.
  30. Separate Settlement for Untouchables
  31. Protest letter against the proposal of Cabinet mission
  32. Letter to A. V. Alexander about the proposal of Cabinet Mission.
  33. Letter to Lord Pethick – Lawrence regarding Statement issued by cabinet mission
  34. Clarification by Lord Pethick – Lawrence to Dr. Ambedkar.
  35. Ambedkar finds Champion in Churchill
  36. Hindu Scheduled Castes Clashes in Bombay
  37. Federation Executive resolves on Direct action.
  38. Reaction to the British Cabinet Plan – Dr. Ambedkar’s Protest to Churchill
  39. I am fighting for the Rights of Scheduled Castes
  40. Does the Indian National Congress represent the Untouchables of India?
  41. I am a great Nationalist than Anybody else
  42. Letter by Mr. Attlee to Dr. Ambedkar
  43. Protest letter of  Dr. Ambedkar to Mr. Attlee
  44. We may be conquered but we shall not Capitulate
  45. Letters by Lord Pethick- Lawrence to Mr. Attlee, Prime Minister.
  46. The Cabinet Mission and the Untouchables
  47. Dr. Ambedkar’s Meomrandum
  48. Demand for ‘Political Independence’
  49. Churchil –Ambedkar Talks
  50. Restore the Separate Electorates
  51. Dr. Ambedkar feels British will do Justice
  52. Ascertain wishes of Minorities
  53. “Dawn” on Ambedkar’s Political mission to England
  54. Provincial Autonomy without responsibility would be unwise.
  55. Joint Vs. Separate Electorates: Dr. Ambedkar’s Via media
  56. Assurance will not be loss to Governor; nor it will be gain to congress
  57. It is purely a party move, No national purpose
  58. We shall wage relentless war to introduce Adult franchise
  59. Mobilise against Federation – turning point in history of nation.
  60. Distributive system of voting
  61. Great Britain must be supported
  62. Wisdom and statesmanship will dawn to prevent India from being divided into two parts.
  63. Very nebulous plan
  64. We can be a nation only through social amalgamation
  65. Subhas Chandra Bose meets Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
  66. Meaning of the Congress Decision
  67. Dr. Ambedkar’s plan to solve Indian crisis Muslim demand criticized.
  68. Indians Destiny is bound up with the victory of democracy.
  69. How to end  Indian Political Impasse
  70. Jinnah’s fears will have to be allayed.
  71. First proposal on central irrigation and waterways advisory board.
  72. Both are making serious mistake.
  73. Sapru in the wrong.
  74. Control and utilise the Mahanadi to the best advantage.
  75. We must work in India for creating co-operative spirit among all parties.
  76. Unless these points were cleared no lead on partition issue.
  77. Government of India will not recognize any princely state as sovereign independent.
  78. Berar will revert to Nizam on August 15.
  79. If Boundary drawn is not natural it will put the safety and security of the people of India in great jeopardy.
  80. Indian citizens have equal rights before the law.
  81. One official language for centre and provinces.
  82. India and the British Commonwealth.
  83. Constitution and Constitutionalism.
  84. People in India would know their Fundamental rights.
  85. What I say is that be Firm and sincere.
  86. No use about Independent Foreign policy without striking power.
  87. U.S.A inclined towards Pakistan.
  88. Retain English at any cost.
  89. ……one man’s Traffic in public affairs.
  90. Flood-control : Use of Atomic power
  91. Strongly object creation of monolithic monstrous states.
  92. Ambedkar’s Recipe for Maharahtra.


  1. Bahishkrit Hitkarini Sabha.
  2. Depressed Classes Institute.
  3. Independent Labour party.
  4. Independent Labour party: Wide support.
  5. I have chosen Bombay as a place for the college for three reasons.
  6. The People’s Education Society Mumbai.
  7. Appeal on behalf of the People’s Education Society.
  8. A Social centre for the Untouchables in Bombay.
  9. Constitution of All India Scheduled Castes Federation.
  10. The Buddhist society of India.
  11. Appendix  I : Constitution of the all India Scheduled Castes Student’s federation
  12. Appendix II: The position of women in Hinduism and Buddhism.
  13. Appendix  III : The Cabinet Mission
  14. Appendix IV: Interviews of Jagjiwan Ram, Radhanath Das and Prithvi Singh Before Cabinet Mission.
  15. Appendix  V : Poona Satyagraha
  16. Appendix VI: Gandhi Dis-franchised Untouchables by forcing Poona Pact.
  17. Appendix VII: Under-privileged in India sold to oppressors.
  18. Appendix VIII: The Bihar provincial Depressed Classes League.
  19. Appendix IX: What about the States?
  20. Appendix X: Ambedkar Urges States to join Indian Union.
  21. Appendix  XI : Activities of the Bahishkrit Hitkarini Shaba at Bombay
  22. Appendix XII: People’s Education Society’s Institutions.
  23. Appendix XIII: A letter to H. H. Sayajirao Gaikwad.

Volume 17

(Part Three) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and his Egalitarian Revolution – Speeches. Events starting from 1st January   to 20th November 1956 in the chronological order are compiled in this volume.

  1. Great Fight
  2. The Value of a Man is Axiomatic, Self-Evident
  3. We are a Warrior Clan
  4. Send Right Type of men to Legislature
  5. people Cemented by feeling of One Country, One Constitution, and One Destiny, take the risk of Being independent
  6. Secure Constitutional Safeguards and Guarantees
  7. Agitate much more, Organise Better than at Present
  8. ……otherwise Advanced Hindu castes would remain in power and rule the minorities.
  9. Power an prestige will come to you through struggle
  10. Future Generations of Hindus will appreciate my service
  11. Keep before your eyes the struggle of Gautama Buddha and Ramanuja
  12. Untouchables must have political power
  13. I would not Budge an inch from my righteous cause
  14. Political reform must precede social reform
  15. Care more for material good than for spiritual food
  16. Act and utilize the power coming into your Hands
  17. Abandon the thought of Slavery
  18. Do not believe in fate, believe in your strength
  19. they alone rise who strive
  20. Do not depend upon god or superman
  21. I will wrest as much power for the country as possible
  22. Find men who will promote your interests
  23. Unfortunately I was born a Hindu untouchable but I will not die a Hindu.
  24. My ability and eminence were the fruit of my patient labour and intellect
  25. Go anywhere, we have to fight for our welfare
  26. Decided to renounce Hinduism
  27. I cannot sacrifice my conscience for success
  28. Conversion is necessary for your Emancipation and Advancement
  29. What way emancipation?
  30. …….there will be no distinction between the Mahars and the Mangs.
  31. You must give up your disgraceful profession.
  32. Do not become a victim to any conspiracy.
  33. We cannot allow our grievances to continue
  34. There are no depressed class ministers
  35. Do not worship God in Hindu religion.
  36. Communist exploited the labourers.
  37. Be on the guard against exploiters
  38. Self-respect and self-help movement has nothing to lose but everything to gain
  39. Christians lagged behind politically
  40. Work for uplift of untouchables
  41. Democracy must give Respectful hearing to all who are worth listening to
  42. Peasants and worker should think over the causes of their poverty.
  43. Guard the interests of the depressed classes.
  44. Trade union must enter politics to protect their interests
  45. Educated man without character and Humanity is more dangerous than a beast
  46. Untouchables have to strive themselves
  47. Lead decent life
  48. Government did not care depressed classes
  49. Need for united political organization to fight common opponent foreign imperialism
  50. Send grievances to me
  51. Be men of sterling character
  52. What is the goal of India’s political evolution?
  53. Gandhi prepared to accept federation in whatever form
  54. Save your children from harrowing life
  55. I worked for benefit of whole community not for a particular section
  56. Taxes must be utilized for farmers
  57. Mahar Watan is heartless exploitation
  58. Government has done nothing for depressed classes
  59. Hindus responsible for sin of untouchability
  60. Regain past position in Army
  61. Safeguards under Government of India Act and Poona Act are inadequate
  62. Hindu society must organize on modern lines breaking down its Age-long framework
  63. Gandhi’s efforts are inadequate
  64. Without strenuous efforts our social position might get even worse
  65. You have not realised what tremendous power you have
  66. Watandari, a curse to Mahars
  67. Remarkable change under gone….
  68. Educated persons should join Military
  69. I shall lay down my life in Defence of our land
  70. Your salvation must lie in your own hands
  71. The doors of my house would always remain open to friends
  72. Struggle of lowest Strata of society is bound to help all sections of working class
  73. If the Bottom-most Stone is shifted those above are to be shaken
  74. If Democracy dies it will be our Doom
  75. Educate, Agitate, Organize, Have faith and lose no hope
  76. Progress for the community is measured by progress of women
  77. I make distinction between Ahimsa and Meekness
  78. I will stand by you
  79. I yield to none in my desire for the freedom of this country
  80. I want the reins of Government in your hands
  81. Present disorders Harming only Indians
  82. Non-Brahmin party should rebuild itself
  83. Join Army, Navy and Air Forces
  84. Gandhi and Jinnah should retire
  85. Poverty will not be tolerated in post-war period
  86. Swaraj could be in hands of Labour
  87. Qualify for enjoying the rights
  88. Scheduled caste must Discard Hinduism
  89. “Now or Never” is the question before scheduled castes
  90. Depressed classes are not a part of Hindu community
  91. I am no opponent of Nationalism But…….
  92. Unity is of Supreme Importance
  93. I was far ahead of…… Patriots of India
  94. Indian History is nothing but struggle between Buddhism and Brahmanism
  95. Gandhi was contented with provincial Autonomy
  96. We are the makers of the Destiny of this country
  97. Students should see that Degree carries positive knowledge
  98. Lay the foundation for a Regime of prosperity for the poverty-stricken millions of the country
  99. News paper in a modern Democratic system is Fundamental basis of good Government
  100. Scheduled castes must organize
  101. There should be statutory  Commission for Aboriginal Tribes
  102. No Dispute over India’s goal of freedom
  103. Make deliberate attempt to make man politically conscious
  104. Action by Government in August 1942 was justifiable
  105. Gandhiji declined
  106. Scheduled Castes demands be referred to an impartial International Tribunal
  107. Depressed Classes neglected
  108. The Scheduled Castes had been left where they were
  109. I have Loyalty to our people also to this country
  110. The minority must always be won over, it must never be dictated to
  111. Art of public speaking could be developed
  112. Because of Divine law of Manu or Yajnavalkya, Hindu society was never able to repair itself
  113. Organise under one leader, one party, one programme
  114. Progress of a community always depends upon Education
  115. The Hindu code was a right step towards a civil code
  116. We should ensure that India is not enslaved again
  117. Maharashtrians are more sincere, more duty conscious to the nation
  118. Religion no longer be inherited but be examined Rationally by everybody
  119. Non-Believers should be converted to the Eight-Fold Path
  120. Buddhism paved way for Democracy and Socialistic pattern of society
  121. I shall devote rest of my life to the revival and spread of Buddhism
  122. The Bill was aimed at the Social advancement of Women
  123. The Scheduled Castes should give up political Aloofness
  124. I am like a rock which does not melt but turns the course of rivers
  125. Failure of parliamentary Democracy will result in Rebellion, Anarchy and Communism
  126. If our true representatives are not elected, independence will be a farce
  127. Poor people must unite separately to achieve their purpose
  128. …….Let us save our Kith and Kin
  129. Why I did not resign earlier?
  130. Federation will not give up its Separate political Entity
  131. The Hindu Code bill would improve condition of women
  132. It is bad for people to remain idle and indifferent
  133. Purity of Administration is necessary for Welfare of the people
  134. Alliance to Appose
  135. I always have the interest of the country at heart
  136. All my attention is concentrated on Building of Hall for federation
  137. Recognise University Education to meet the Requirements of the Modern World
  138. Conditions precedent for the successful working of Democracy
  139. Knowledge is the Foundation of Man’s life
  140. Women leaders are not interested in the Social Progress of Women
  141. ……. I shall take Stern measures
  142. Osmania University Honoured Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
  143. If Buddhist Gospel is not adopted History of conflict in Europe, will repeat in Asia
  144. …….the so called Upper classes will be wiped out of Existence
  145. Unless Casteless and Classless Society is created, there will be no Progress in India
  146. Don’t get misled by Criticism
  147. Politics is not the Be-All and End-All of the Nation’s Life
  148. We will carry on All India Land Satyagraha even against Central Government
  149. It is the criminal to collect Money in the name of Religion and waste it
  150. My Philosophy of life
  151. I am a devotee of Gautam Buddha, Kabir, Mahatma Phule and Worshipper of Learning, Self-Respect and Character
  152. Buddhist movement in India : A Blue Print
  153. Pandurang was none other than Buddha
  154. There is difference between the Ahimsa Preached by Buddhism and Jainism
  155. Why I like Buddhism
  156. The Tide of Buddhism would never Recede in India
  157. Prospect of Democracy in India
  158. The Buddha Dhamma will be the saviour of the world
  159. Buddha or Karl Marx
  160. Appendix I : Gandhiji’s article on Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s proclamation of conversion
  161. Appendix II : Constitution of the Samata Sainik Dal
  162. Appendix II :  An Out spoken Utterancee

Volume 18

(in 3 parts) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Speeches and writing in Marathi.

Volume 19

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Speeches and writing in Marathi.

Volume 20

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s Speeches and writing in Marathi.

Volume 21

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s  Photo Album and correspondence.

Volumes Editions Copies
1 First : April 14, 1979Reprint – October 10, 1989 5,00015,000
2 April 14, 1982 15,000
3 April 14, 1987 15,000
4 First Edition: October, 1987Second Edition – October, 1996 15,00015,000
5 April 14, 1989 15,000
6 October 10, 1989 15,000
7 January 26, 1990 15,000
8 January 26, 1990 15,000
9 January 26, 1991 15,000
10 October, 1991 15,000
11 October, 1992Volume 11(Supplement)First Edition: August 1995 (15,000 Copies) 50,000
12 April 14, 1993 15,000
13 April 14, 1994 15,000
14 in two volumes December 6, 1995 15,000
15 in two volumes January 26, 1997 15,000
16 April 14, 1998 15,000
17 in 3parts October 4, 2003 15,000
18 in 3 parts October 15, 2002 30,000
19 2005 30,000
20 2005 30,000
21 ?























A list of  writings and speeches of B. R. Ambedkar is essential for students, teachers, researchers and lay person to have a holistic understanding of his mission, philosophy and personality. Such a comprehensive compilation is possible only now (2008). Since his sudden and unfortunate (for the Indians) demise, his works, including his speeches, had faced a tough tour of survival through the years. Compilation of his works started only in 1979 by Mr. Vasant Moon and it took 29 years to accomplish the task. While the recent volumes have reached the readers as late as 2005, the earlier volumes are out of print. The methods of distribution, circulation and propagation of these volumes need to be improved to help researchers and social scientists understand B. R. Ambedkar.

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