Buddhist Relief Fund: What we can do to help the victims of caste based violence after 13 years of Khairlanji massacre?


Thirteen years ago, on this day of 29 September 2006 as the Buddhism revival movement celebrated 50 years, Sulakha Bhotmange, her teenaged talented daughter Priyanka, her two sons Roshan and Sudheer were brutally mob-lynched by the casteist hyenas. When the incident came to the public notice, the Buddhists and Scheduled Castes throughout India began the movement for justice. In the caste infested Indian society, the atrocities are common throughout India and beyond where Indians have migrated.

Many Ambedkarites of my generation responded to the Khairlanji caste violence and were instrumental in mobilising the community. In the justice movement in India, the response of the community is a landmark in its history. The international press took notice of it and some countries saw opposition to Indian consulates and embassies.

Every day, we witness crimes against humanity by the barbaric caste-infested minds. Children are killed in the name of caste. Women are raped in the name of caste. Men are hacked to death in the name of caste.

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Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was pained and deeply angry about the caste-violence. With the heart of the Buddha, called Bodhicitta, he responded with all the means possible to stop this monstrous crime against humanity.

After he left, the responsibility is on the shoulders of his followers and all the people who believe in the dignity of human beings. There is a great will to help people who victimised and brutalised in the name of caste. Some of us felt a need to channelise this will into a force that will collectively respond to man-made and natural calamities of which the marginalised are the worst hit.

The idea is to launch a Buddhist Relief Fund with the following objectives:

Fight cases of crimes, lynchings, disproportionate share of convicts, torture and humiliation are the fate of religious minorities in India.

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Counter discrimination in natural disasters and caste atrocities are by default for their assertion in the field of education and employment.

Address needs arising due to exclusion practised by State and non-state actors, they have limited access to resources, services and development, keeping most in severe poverty.

Buddhist Relief Fund initiative is to respond to discrimination by default and legal defence for caste atrocities.

We invite your thinking and solicit your help to consolidate the Buddhist Relief Fund.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

Image – Pictures of Buddha on the door of Bhotmange’s family home

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