Anagarika Dharmpal: Life of Revolution


Anagarika Dharmpal is one of the greatest Buddhist revolutionaries of modern times. His contribution to Buddhism is manifold. Today, on the eve of his birth anniversary, we will look at some of the folds that he unfolded in the course of his great life.

The revival of Buddhist heritage:

If it was not for Anagarika Dharmpal, the Buddhist sites of great importance would have been lost to the time. It was Anagarika Dharmpal who helped to locate the important places associated with the life of Buddha. His fight to liberate Mahabodhi temple, the single most place of importance to the followers of the Buddha, is revolutionary. He launched a great battle to liberate Mahabodhi from the clutches of Brahminical Hinduism. He serviced the Buddha Dhamma by devoting his entire life to attract the attention of the world to Buddhist sites.

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Anagarika Dharmpal

The revival of Buddhism in Sri Lanka

When the Buddhism in Sri Lanka was attacked by the Christian missionary, the favourable atmosphere was created after the defeat of missionaries in what is now known as Panadura debate. Anagarika Dharmpal toured all over Sri Lanka in his cart and helped to revive Buddhism in Sri Lanka. He modernised Buddhism in Sri Lanka and also started educational institutes which benefited many Sri Lankan even today.

The revival of Buddhist Studies in the world

As an important delegate in the first World Parliament of Religions in the world Anagarika Dharmpal made a lasting impact on not only the Buddhists but also on many intellectuals who attended the conference. He became friends with the father of modern psychology, William James, who was so impressed with Buddhist psychology that he told in one of his classes that the Buddhist way of understanding the mind will be studied in the future; today it has become part of psychology.

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The revival of Buddhist media

He started Mahabodhi journal which was the only popular Buddhist magazine at that time. The journal was the important voice of the Buddhists then. It carried Buddhist debates and discussion for a long time. Babasaheb Ambedkar contributed to the journal.

The spirit and activism of Anagarika Dharmpal are needed today for Buddhist revival today.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

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