7 Reasons Brahmins Should Be Ashamed Of What They Have Done To Indians


Om Birla, the speaker of the Lower House of the Indian Parliament, lauded the Brahmin caste as the superior caste in the speech he made in the Brahmin matchmaking public program recently. As a speaker of the dignified house, he should not word a mischievous statement. What the Brahmins have done to the Shudras, Untouchables, Tribals, and all Indian women is shameful and the social, economic, and political audit of India will reveal what they have done to the Indians and to India as a nation.


“These shameless Sanatani Brahmins uncultured community will never accept their misdeeds have done to marginalised class as it is in their blood to exploit and benefit themselves by committing atrocities on the so-called lower castes,” writes Suresh Sakhare.

Why Brahmins should be ashamed of what they have done to Indians

1. The Brahmins as a caste and by imperative the individuals who claim any allegiance with this caste betray the very foundation on which India is constituted. To level the privileges cornered by this parasitic class of people, social justice is the cornerstone of New India and incipient democracy. By segregating themselves as the class within an inclusive and democracy, the Brahmins should be ashamed to betray the idea of India.

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2. For centuries, this class of people have kept millions away from any type of education. The education was confined to this class exclusively and the education was not a public good. Even today, this class of people has cornered the public good, the education, and monopolised it by excluding other non-Brahmin Indians. They should be ashamed of claiming learned position over other Indians.

3. When India was definitely moving towards democracy based on the values of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity, this class of people created their own brand and idea of India as opposed to democratic India by inventing the past and history to suit their class interest. Hindu nationalism is the enemy of India and hence the Indians.

4. This class has always advocated unscientific and superstitious beliefs and arrested the stride Indians would have made by being equal and free to think society. This class advocate unscientific theory of the origin of their class as coming from the mouth of the Brahma. The class should be ashamed of denigrating their own mothers.

Read also:  Making Sense of Dalit Sikh History

5. The Brahmins committed inumerous atrocities on the lower castes by instigating one caste against another. This undermines the unity and integrity of India.

6. Many Indians remain outside the economic and political system because they are socially excluded. This caste of Brahmins should be ashamed for making India poor and the land of beggers.

7. After 70 years of India as a democratic and sovereign country with the great demographic advantage of youthful nation, India would have become superpowers had Brahmins not stood up in a way of the progress of Indians. This caste should be ashamed of pulling down India’s manifest standing in the world.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

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  1. 1
    DLM dalit lives matter

    I believe this and we should make a dailt alliance that will break this poision that is braminisim and that all Dali’s should unite and have political power that can beat these corrupt politicians and until then we can enforce the laws

    • 3

      Sir, there are many. We can just start with Varna System. Which is a very rigid system where a person is attested with a career and a job at his birth. Even if a person is capable or interested of pursuing other careers, he is not encouraged to and there is no system/ feasibility to try. This trait itself made India backward for thousand of centuries.

  2. 4
    Muneer Ahmed

    The thoughts of the writer are based on the prevailing status of the Dalits, Adivasis, budakattu etc and ofcourse the minorities in India. A well written article.

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