What 2 Job Notifications Tell Us About Reservation And Caste System?


It should not surprise anyone that when it comes to the appointment of SC/ST/OBCs to jobs, rules and regulations have been ignored many times leading to many vacant positions.

Leaving SC/ST/OBCs positions vacant at universities and various other governmental offices is done under the plan of RSS to deny these communities from constitutional rights.

Not So Curious Case Of Two Job Notifications

First, in the job advertisement issued by the University of Delhi for the post of assistant professor, no seat is allocated to either SC/STs or OBCs. All seat are reserved for general category. Why no seats are reserved for SC/ST/OBCs here?

Read also:  Data From 8 RTI Replies Show How Deep Rooted Caste Discrimination is at Public Sector Organisations

When it comes to assistant professors, associate professors and professor positions there is a huge gap between a number of posts held by general category and SC/ST/OBCs. Further, why so large number of seats are vacant?

As per the Article 16 (4) of the Constitution empowers the central government to make special provisions for reservation in appointments or posts in favour of the SC/ST community if they are “not adequately represented in the services under the state”. Under Article 335 of the Constitution, the state is also bound to consider the claims of the SC/ST community in making appointments to services and posts under the state.

So what is stopping governments and institutes from filling vacant seats? Nothing but malafide intentions explain the vacant SC/ST/OBC seats.

Second, in the job notification issued by Central Hindi Institute, Agra, when it comes to top positions no jobs are offered by when it comes to menial jobs such as “safaiwala” all jobs are for SC/STs, why?

Why can’t Brahmin clean or become a “safaiwala”? What stops a Brahmin from cleaning streets? Are they only to make a mess and SC/STs are for cleaning? From where such mentality and thinking comes if not religious books?

Further, isn’t it the way society accepts and practices the caste system that top positions for certain so-called upper castes and Dalits are for dirty jobs.

With the newly drafted National Education Policy 2019, the situation is going to be much worse of the SC/ST/OBC communities. Apart from selling government companies, lateral entry recruitment and reservation of economically weaker section (EWS), keeping SC/ST/OBC positions vacant are decades-old tricks used by casteist to deprive us of our rights.

Why Do Upper Castes Pick Brooms To Protest?

In another news on the reservation, the so-called upper caste youth, mostly who might not be good at studies and may have been paid and supported by some political parties, were on the streets protesting against the recent increase in the reservation by Chhattisgarh government.

They were protesting that why reservation in Chhattisgarh was 72% when as per the rules it should not pass 50%. We do wonder where these so-called upper caste youth were when 10% reservation was given under EWS?

10% reservation for EWS is totally unconstitutional, Article 15 (4) doesn’t talk about “socially OR educationally” backward classes but socially AND educationally. It should not hold any ground in Supreme Court but then we have seen Brahminical courts discriminating!

Read also:  CBSE Hikes Exam Fees For SC/STs By 24 Times - Attempt To Drive Dalits Out Of Schools

reservation in jharkhand

On the side note, Dalit would be happy to away these so-called upper castes youth 100% reservation in street and toilet cleaning jobs if they want and give Dalits their due share in positions promised by the constitution. These students look good at cleaning the streets, they deserve a 100% reservation in that.

On the serious note, these so-called upper youth are misguided by media as well as political parties and rather than being on the streets, if they want to get better jobs or enter better universities they should be studying.

By doing drama on the name of cleaning the streets, you are demeaning millions of people those work in street cleaning for various reasons. You think you are better than those, you are worse, mocking those who have been forced to do menial jobs for centuries without any crime and just because of their birth in particular caste!

Why do so-called upper castes pick up the broom and polish shoes as a protest? The answer lies in Brahminical scriptures those define caste-based occupations. As Dr Ambedkar said, the caste system is not a division of labour but the division of labourer. By picking a broom, these so-called upper castes are saying with reservation their position in caste hierarchy will come down to untouchables and would be disrespectful for them to do such lowly jobs.

Coming back to the job notifications, so what do these two job notifications show about the situation of reservation and caste system in India? We leave it here you to ponder over these questions.

Read also:  Ingenious Trickery – Draft National Education Policy 2019

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