Why We Should Demand Caste Census
In many ways, caste is about the number but for Savarana, it is an institution. They are aware of the electoral class of caste.
In 1980, the Mandal commission assumed that the OBC component was 52 per cent. The national sample survey organisation estimates that OBC forms only 33 per cent.
The supreme court’s directive to the centre to explain the exact data for OBC quotas further complicate the matter. In the absence of reliable data, we demand the central government to show the exact data of caste census 2011. Figure 27 per cent for OBC quota should be increased.
The last caste census was held in 1931. Government of India always has a silly excuse census on-premise of caste would divide the country. It is high time to question this impertinent premise. [Read also – Dr Ambedkar’s Opinion on Indian Census and Why There Should Be Caste-Census in 2021]
Caste is a reality and crucial factor in government policy. It is best to have empirical data which reflect reality and formulate policy accordingly. Caste census should go beyond the mere enumeration of people and generate a social and economic profile of various caste. This would help the government to reform the OBC list. It could determine whether the quota limit, which is set at 50% in 1992, could be increased.
Apart from the above, there has been a regular demand from various organizations and political parties especially those with Backward Classes predominance for Caste-based Census but it was just brushed aside by the ruling party may it be BJP or Congress. Actually higher Castes are afraid of the Caste Census because it will expose their low numbers and the share of development and national wealth they have usurped at the cost of lower Castes.
OBCs have been demanding caste census for a long time. India urgently needs that. For how long we will continue to make decisions and policies based on the 1931 caste census? Not conducting caste census for OBCs is nothing but abuse of power that comes as no surprise!
In some cases, the Supreme court has not allowed passing a 50% threshold then in some cases such as reservation for Maratha in Maharashtra it has allowed complicates the whole issue of reservation for OBCs. More than playing political gimmicks, government if serious about the development of different communities must conduct caste census.
Their fear is further accentuated by the probable high number of OBCs who are bound to demand a greater share in services and benefits of development and national wealth. That is why so-called upper castes are afraid of Caste Census. Occupation of resources by the Savarana whose percentage would not be more than 20 per cent would not last longer if caste census is conducted properly and each caste group is allocated resources according to their percentage.
The author could be reached on Twitter at @Bhaujan_connect
Edited by Velivada team
That the so called savarnas are in minority has been no secret. The demand for caste based census is a ploy to perpetuate caste system and a tool in the hands of parties to grab power by inciting caste division and consolidating their vote banks.The benefits,if any, have been cornered by a few vocal groups who want to have the monopoly. The need is to let the development reach the poorest irrespective of their caste . The different groups and activists should monitor the implementation.The scourge of caste can be removed by social revolutions only, not by pitting one against the other on caste basis.So many savarnas pioneered the revolution in the past but were not supported by their brethren due to vested interests. Legislative measures ,which break the monopoly are required which break the monopoly. For example, the abolition of zamindari system benefitted the poorest irrespective of their castes.The clamour for bigger piece of the national cake merely on the basis of caste is only a demand of the vested interests.