Federal Front and Bahujan front
The efforts to form a federal front of the southern Indian leaders and include a host of other North Indian leaders are welcome. They need to come together to stop “centrist” RSS/BJP, otherwise, they will lose their power. This appears to be a pure power game and it is a valid power game that sets the dominance of Union (and hence centrist) in opposition with the shared power by the state (and hence the federal system), but the roots of the dilution of the power is not in the dilution of the power of the Indian states. The root of the dilution of the power at the state level is the consolidation of the Brahmins at the centre. The Brahminism through RSS/BJP has occupied the central power in the political system. If the constituents of the “federal front” do not understand this, one must question their political maturity and if they know this and they still talking about the “federal front” exposes their dubious stand against the Brahminism and hence casteism.
At least, Stalin and his father Karunanidhi should be true their political father and guru, the great Periyar who cautioned against coming of Brahmin Raj in India. He did everything to fight against Brahminism, but his followers like Karunanidhi have been completely misleading the masses. The dominant Shudras want political power without breaking their hold on the caste and the mobilisation of their caste for power. They do not take up a stand against casteism. The Chief Minister of Telangana, KCR, is no exception. Likewise, both the young Yadavs, Akhilesh and Tejasvi, are articulating their “backwardness”, but they are not coming in open against the “forward classes”.
The greatest missing link in the federal front is Mayavati and Bahujan agenda. Actually, the movement of the Bahujans goes hand in hand with the real federation of India. The states can gain power only when the Brahminical hold over bureaucracy, judiciary, and educational institutions are fully destroyed. Not otherwise. Great visionaries from Phule, Shahu, and Ambedkar to the contemporary visionaries Khaparde-Kanshiram have articulated this. But the “Bahujan party” is missing the complete game.
The Brahmins have understood the potency of the “Bahujan” movement and its unstoppable momentum and hence they are coming up with the RSS/BJP driven Bahujan Azad Party (BAP). The RSS needed AAP to churn out the anger against the corruption of BJP and Congress Party, now they know that the Bahujan movement is unstoppable, they are coming up with BAP to co-opt and eventually sabotage the Bahujan movement.
Author – Mangesh Dahiwale
It is 100 percent true. Today , the Centre has denied the Dalit students of TISS ( Tata Institute of Social Sciences) , Mumbai their admission against scholarship entitlement.That is , till date we are entitled to join the institute without paying any fee at the time of admission and t on the sanction and receipt of scholarship thecsame will be adjusted by the institute towards feesand hostel charges. Also one of our girl students in the institute stated that the administration , per se , do not want Dalit children there and this way they are trying to incapacitate them. Thus , the administration is making institutes of higher learning beyond the reach of Dalits.
Secondly , the priest class and the ruling classes do not desire the Dalits attaining self respect and equality.This has been by our community aligning with the non-brahmin political movement in our country in the last seven decades. I have not found any exception.
Therefore , in my earlier mails I have suggested ” CDE ” – Confederation of Dalit Electors – to be formed. Andin the present scenario , Mayawati, Jignesh Mewani of Gujarath and Thiruma of Tamil Nadu are capable of forming such confederation. And my further suggestion is that all reserved constituencies are to be contested by members of this confederation. Also , all Christian and Muslim candidates cotesting from general constitiuencies , who are not aligned to either BJP or Congress , are to be extended unilateraal support by CDE. Thirdly , the CDE can align with the regional parties which are SECULAR in principle , for the general constituencies,
I wish and pray that the TRIUMVIRs i.e. Mayawati, Jignesh and Thiruma come together and helpmourselves.