Gujarat Assembly Speaker, Rajendra Trivedi and Brahmanisation


Speaking on the occasion of “Brahman mega gathering”, the speaker of Gujarat Assembly, Rajendra Trivedi, himself a Brahman, made some comments which are derogatory to the SC, ST, and OBC communities. He claimed Krishna, a Yadava and hence an OBC, was raised to godhood by the Brahmin Sandipani. He claimed that it was Chanakya (whose historicity is dubious) who made Chandragupta Maurya what he was.

He did not stop there but went on claiming that Babasaheb Ambedkar is also a Brahmin as the Brahmin teacher gave him the name of Ambedkar. He also said that Narendra Modi (an OBC accordingly to changed official stand) is also a Brahman.

Why are the Brahmans so proud of being Brahmans?

There is nothing whatsoever to be proud of being a Brahman, because, in the history of the world, this class of people have been the most exploitative and divisive group of people. The kind of cruel system that Brahminism created in not comparable with any other exploitative system in the world. The Brahminical system has systematically committed grossest crimes against humanity through a systemic and inhuman caste system. There is nothing to be proud of being a Brahmin. It is similar to be proud of one’s Nazi ancestry.

To call the great men like Babasaheb Ambedkar a Brahman is very insulting not only to his person who spent all his life to destroy this ugly Brahminism and give respectable life SC, ST, OBC communities. The Brahmans even did not spare their women in the power game. The set them afire and reduced them a wretched life if they are widowed.

Such a nonsense of the Brahmans must be stopped.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale

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