What Periyar Said on Dr Ambedkar’s Conversion to Buddhism
[The nation celebrated on 14th April this year the 127th Birth Day of Baba Saheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar who was born in 1891. He quit Hindu religion and became a Buddhist on 14th October 1956. Periyar unveiled his portrait and spoke about his conversion on 28th October 1956 when the Municipal Council of Vellore, near Chennai, accorded him a reception. Translation of the excerpts of his speech by Aasaan is given here. Source: Viduthalai, Tamil Rationalist Daily, dated 6 and 7, November 1956]
The Chairman of the Vellore Municipal Council has praised me in his welcome address read out today (28th October 1956). You have given me this warm reception in connection with my arrival to unveil the portrait of the world-renowned genius Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. I thank you all for the same. As our friend Krishnasami has told, people like me were rarely welcomed by Government bodies like municipal councils in earlier days. I think this reception is given as a mark of the people acknowledging me publicly as a leader serving the cause of common good. As a result of the changes taking place in the world, people have thought of giving such receptions to persons like me.
Social Equality
In the world, particularly in our country, the practice of treating people as high and low has been given up to some extent, and people have begun to entertain the feeling of equality.
Ambedkar is considered very wise not only because of his erudition and intellectual acumen, but because his learning and ability are being used for the good of the common people. Others use their knowledge and ability for the selfish or sectarian benefit.
In the social sphere, a great revolution is taking place here. Before attaining economic equality, social equality should be attained. In western nations, the revolution of establishing social equality has been accomplished. No harm has occurred anywhere due to the eradication of inequality based on a person’s birth (in a caste or a community). Those who are benefitted by the prevailing inequality (in a caste-ridden society) are in power. As a result, the movement of social revolution has not become strong in our country. Only a few come forward to work for social equality.
An Atheist
You have given me the opportunity of unveiling the portrait of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. I am happy and feel honored to carry out your pleasant request. Ambedkar is one of the greatest geniuses of the world. How has be become so great in his wisdom? His education and intellectual ability are only of secondary importance. There are people who are better educated and abler than him. Ambedkar is considered very wise not only because of his erudition and intellectual acumen, but because his learning and ability are being used for the good of the common people. Others use their knowledge and ability for the selfish or sectarian benefit.
Ambedkar is an atheist. It is not now, but for quite a long time he has been an atheist. Let me tell you one thing: All the great intellectuals of the world are atheists. Only an atheist can reach the peak of rational thought and be a human being with a bright mind. All those who are learned are not necessarily rational or wise. Ninety percent of the educated people are afraid to come out openly and express their views frankly. Not only those who deny the existence of god, but even those who venture to think freely about the fictional accounts of god are considered atheists.
Brave and Frank
Dr. Ambedkar is a great genius and so he is an atheist. He boldly expresses the conclusion derived from his own thought process. The intellectual class in our country are too timid to air their views freely. But Dr. Ambedkar is not such a man but is bold enough to say what he thinks.
Read – What Periyar Said about Buddha?
A wonderful event
Now something wonderful has happened; it will be remembered all over the world. And the event is Ambedkar’s conversion to the Buddhist religion. What he has now done is formal; he has been really a Buddhist for quite a long time.
Who is a Buddhist? Venerable Mallalasekara, the President of the World Buddhist Association, gave the explanation at the Buddhist Conference held at Erode (in Tamil Nadu) in the third week of January 1954. Siddhartha founded the Buddhist way. Originally his name was not Buddha. Siddhartha used his ‘Buddhi’ (the reasoning faculty or the intellect) and became the Buddha. The Buddha means the enlightened one.
Dr. Ambedkar has not agreed with the Hindu religion for the past 20 or 30 years. He severely criticised Gandhi (1869-1948) for being an orthodox Hindu and for accepting Manu Smriti and upholding Varnashrama Dharma. He said that being an orthodox Hindu, Gandhi could not really do anything basic or substantial for the upliftment of Aadi Dravidars (or the original inhabitants of India).
A Conference in Punjab
Ambedkar has radical views about eradicating caste. They had in Punjab an Association (Jat Pat Todak Mandal) to work for the abolition of caste. They had enrolled me also as a member. They asked Ambedkar to be the President of a Conference. Agreeing to their request, Dr. Ambedkar prepared his presidential address (Annihilation of Caste). It was sent to the organizers. They found in it Ambedkar stressing the need to abolish Hinduism as a means to annihilate caste system. They wrote to him asking to remove that particular portion. They said that their association stood for eradicating caste and not for doing away with Hindu religion. But he pointed out that Hinduism was the basis of caste, and refused to remove the portion objectionable to them. He did not go to Punjab to deliver the speech. I got the address from him and published the same in 1936 as “Jaathiyai Ozhikka Vazhi” in Tamil.
While we had been talking about burning Ramayana, Dr. Ambedkar burnt it at a Conference in 1932. Mr. Sivaraj presided over that Conference.
On an occasion when Dr. Ambedkar had come to Madras (now Chennai), he said that Bhagavat Gita was the blabbering of a lunatic. Sir. C. P. Ramaswami Iyer objected to this description of Gita, saying that it was not the opinion of an ordinary person but that of a member of Viceroy’s Council, and as such, it was improper to express such views.
I organized a Conference for reformation (the second State Conference of the Self-respect Movement) at Erode in 1930. I invited Ambedkar to that Conference. Having mistaken that he was a doctor of medicine, I wrote to him assuring that we would send him back within two days so that his attending to his patients would not be affected! But for some reason, Ambedkar was not able to come. Sir R. K. Shanmugam (who later became the first Finance Minister of Free India) gave the welcome speech. In place of Dr. Ambedkar, Mr. M. R. Jayakar had come to the Conference. He spoke in praise of our movement. I wish Dr. Ambedkar had come.
In 1930s Dr. Ambedkar told that he was thinking of becoming a Muslim. Mr. S. Ramanathan and I wrote to him:
“Don’t be in a hurry. At least a lakh of people should embrace Islam with you. Then only they will respect your ideas. Otherwise, you have to follow what the Maulana says. Muslims say that their religion is a perfect one and as such, there is no need to change it. When there is no scope for anything more than mere praying, worshipping etc, you will feel like imprisoned.”
Read – Why Brahmins Hate Reservation? – By E. V. R. Periyar
In Burma in 1954
He was intent on religious conversion even in those days. And now he has embraced Buddhist religion. But he was a Buddhist even before his conversion. Dr. Ambedkar and I had been to the World Buddhist Conference organized in Burma (now Myanmar) in December 1954. Even without informing me they had included my name in the conference programme. So I went there. But for some reason (they told me ultimately that) they had asked some other person to speak in my place. (Anyhow Periyar spoke among the delegates informally on their request.)
Dr. Ambedkar wanted to embrace Buddhism there itself. There were about 500 delegates from Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Burma, America etc. In addition, there were local visitors. But there were more than 2000 Buddhist monks (Bikshus). They were performing rites and rituals and conducting ceremonies that were more formal than those done by the Hindu priests (Prohits). Pointing to those Buddhist Bikshus I told Ambedkar:
“You hasten to become a Buddhist. What can we do there with these priests (Bikshus) around? We think rationally. How can we deal with (the dictates of) the Bikshus? We have at least become accustomed to fighting against the Hindu priests. But I am apprehensive of these Buddhist Bikshus. We should go around twice or thrice and meet the people. We should go there (to Buddhist religion) at least with one lakh people. Then only they will respect us and agree to our (rational humanist) interpretation of Buddha’s teachings.”
While I was conversing with Dr. Ambedkar, a Buddha Bikshu came there. He was aged about 30 years. He was lean, tall and fair. He was a Bengali. He enquired me about my domicile. I informed him that I hailed from Madras State (now Tamil Nadu). In the meanwhile, a person sitting beside me told, “He is Periyar Ramasami”. My personal appearance had not revealed to the Buddhist monk (Bikshu) who I was. But he could identify me on hearing my name. Then he said to me, “Have you come to save Buddhist religion or to abolish it?” I responded at once, “Have you not become a Buddhist from being a Paarpaan (Brahmin)?” He said, “yes”, and added, “what of it now?” Then he went away. So he was a Brahmin (Paarppaan) converted to Buddhism. I discussed this incident with Ambedkar. Dr. Ambedkar said to me: “The Maharaja of Mysore is deeply attached to the principles of the Buddhist religion. He has assured to donate a large area of land. I intend to stay permanently in Mysore. I plan to establish a University with the donations I receive. Of what use is it merely talking till we die? Should we not do something before we die?” He told many more things in this vein.
Read – Quotes of Periyar E. V. Ramasamy
His Statement
Now he has taken the courageous step of embracing Buddhist religion. Subsequently, he has also issued a statement. You might have read it in the newspapers. He says: “I will not accept, hereafter, Rama, Krishna, Siva, Rudra etc. as gods. I do not believe in the concept of Avatara. I do not accept caste system, heaven, hell etc. I do not perform rites and rituals. I do not do Shraddha ceremony to my parents.” He condemns and has lost faith in these things, as it is the case with us.
Hinduism not really a religion
Following Dr. Ambedkar’s conversion, media persons came to me. A reporter from Dhina Thanthi (a leading Tamil daily) asked me if I would also quit Hinduism. I told him that there was no Hindu religion from which I had to quit. It has no founder, no head, no particular principle, no one authoritative scripture as in the case of Christianity, Islam, and Sikhism. Those who believe and worship Rama, Krishna, Vishnu, Ganesa, Siva etc as gods and also those who hate them are considered Hindus. Theists, as well as atheists, are Hindus. Different people on different occasions, in different places, have propounded different principles and practices which are opposed to each other. But these are all clubbed together under the generic term Hinduism which, as such, does not possess the essential characteristics of a real religion. So there is no need for me and my followers to get converted. (Periyar’s consistent approach was to disown Hinduism and choose the humanist egalitarian path based on love and reason steering clear of the dogmas of all established religions- Translator)
A great leader
Dr. Ambedkar is one who guides people. He frankly expresses his views on religion and caste. He serves without selfishness. He is known well all over India. He has asked his followers to embrace Buddhism. In all probability, he may come here (to Tamil Nadu). Here also several people may choose conversion. By securing the opportunity for education and employment for his community, he has uplifted them. Really, he is a great leader. After him, no other person can emerge as a leader like him.
It’s a excellent article required to read everybody. Babasaheb not studied higher education for self-improvement,he has studied to improve the society to avoid upper & lower in humen. & to development in every person of the society. Its cannot be say in words.
Nice Information. Really useful to know the facts and relationship between two great thinker.
Thank you! Please help us by sharing it with others. Jai Bhim!
Periyar once referred to Dr. Ambedkar as his leader. It is pertinent to note that Periyar has never accepted anyone else as his leader.
It’s really great to know what periyar had in mind about Dr.Ambedkar.
Indeed, they also met and discussed various things.