बहुजन प्यारे! बौद्ध बनो तुम, खत्म करो नादानी…
बहुजन प्यारे!
बौद्ध बनो तुम,
खत्म करो नादानी…
दलितता को छोड़ दो, है ये
युगों-युगों की ग़ुलामी!
दलितता है कमजोरी और
लाचारी की पहचान
‘दलित’ कहकर खुद का तुम
न करना अब अपमान
बौद्ध-बहुजन अपनी बात है
दलितता है बेगानी…
दलितता को छो ड़दो, है ये
युगों-युगों की ग़ुलामी!
जाती-धरम के अंधकार में
भटक रहा समाज था सारा
मैत्री की ये ज्योत जलाकर
किया बुद्ध ने जग उजियारा
शील-समाधि-प्रज्ञा की वैसी
फिर क्रांति है लानी…
दलितता को छोड़ दो, है ये
युगों-युगों की ग़ुलामी!
समता और मानवता के
रक्षक जो बने वो बौद्ध ही थे
तेरे मेरे सब बहुजन के
पूर्वज सारे बौद्ध ही थे
बात है सच्ची सुन प्यारे
इतिहास ने भी यह मानी…
दलितता को छोड़ दो, है ये
युगों-युगों की ग़ुलामी!
कबिरा फुले भीमराव की सुनना
सदा आत्म-सम्मान से रहना
कांशीराम भी कहते―
खुद को बहुजन-बौद्ध ही कहना
‘बौधकारो’ को है अब तो
सम्मान की बात बतानी…
दलितता को छोड़ दो, है ये
युगों-युगों की ग़ुलामी!
बहुजन प्यारे!
बौद्ध बनो तुम,
खत्म करो नादानी…
दलितता को छोड़ दो, है ये
युगों-युगों की ग़ुलामी!
है ये…
युगों-युगों की ग़ुलामी!
Written by –
Vruttant Manwatkar
PhD Scholar, JNU
Thanks for your encouraging comment Sir/Ma’am. I hope you have read Babasaheb’s ‘Emancipation What Way’. There he elaborately discusses the issue you have raised. I would say that this text has got a well reasoned Remedy for our current deteriorating socio-political scenario.
Thank you for the comment.
Great inspirational poem.I repeatedly keep asking my self to others as to how long will we continue to be called as “Chamar ,Mahar ,Balmiki/Bhangi/Chuhra, Mala/Madiga etc.I wonders as to what keeps us in Hindu caste fold?Is it political or non political reservations, it is Hindu festivals ,it is a matter of acceptance in Hindu neighborhoods, or is it a identity crisis we are suffering from, being so called Dalit/S.C etc .
I think it will be great if we all become Buddhist, it will give us dignity ,an ancient Indian religion and now universal ,well respected identity all over the world(We must resist so called label of Dalit/Buddhist by media and Hindu group),great for our future generations ,of course it will not be a smooth ride, because first to bust our plan will be the Upper caste to divide us as they have done for centuries ,even during Dr.Ambedkar’s time, because it is in their interest to keep us as “chuhar/Chamar’ by giving reservations on caste basis..In the recent event in U.P the Thakus will not allow a Dalit/Jatav to to ride a mare among Thakur area because as they say”It is our tradition” even in modern India. In the end this issue was resolve but it is a mind set of the upper caste Hindus. Rather Hindu Dalit are now in a better position financially and educationally compared to Yadavas ,Jats, Thakurs, Marathas etc As a result they resist our progress.
I admire the Maharashtrian Buddhist who followed Dr.Ambedkar’s path and enjoying their buddhist identity and still fighting for it..It took Dr.Ambedka 35 years to declare acceptance of Buddhism, it was decision not made in huff and puff
So millions became Buddhist en mass.Tragedy today is , we have no leadership to propagate as a mass movement. The current “Buddhist leadership in India” is not interest in a missionary work of a mass movement for the reason know to them.The Dalit politicians have no interest ,because they don’t want to mis out on their perks as Hindu Dalits including Paswans, Udit Raj and others-80 M.P’s ,who are elected from Reservation Constituencies.Late Kansi Ram Ji had made a statement but unfortunately he passed away prematurely like Dr. Ambedkar, who too passed away 2months after his announcement.
Don’t the Jains, Sikhs ,Muslims ,Christians have separate identity, so what is the problem with being Buddhist, a pioneering movement by Dalits , of Maharashtra and Punjab is note worth.Will the Dalits in other parts of India follow the suit of Maharashtrian and Punjabi Buddhist and accept Buddhism in masses not merely as a response to atrocities etc.
What happened to Bahanj ji Ms. Mayawati’s whose recent announcement of accepting Buddhism,”If…”. will she stand up and take the charge?I know she has sizable following, Will she rise to the occasion of such great historical occasion/significance rather being side tracked in the political arena with the pigs in the dirt. However I have a question to her ,being a Buddhist is no contraindication/contradiction to being the Prime Minster of India, remeber the current P.M Mr. Narender Modi comes from “Teli” community,one just needs numbers ,politics is numbers game ,if that is her desire. ByBecoming a Buddhist her vote bank will be consolidate and it improves her chance of being the first Buddhist lady Prime Minister. It is with great sorrow I note that Maharashtrian political and nonpolitical leadership has betrayed Dr.Ambedkar;s mission with out an shadow of doubt. Jai Ho,Jai Bhim,Jai Biddhism.