Babasaheb Ambedkar and Importance of His Thoughts to the Contemporary Society


On the eve of Babasaheb Ambedkar’s 127th birth anniversary, people throughout India will organise various programs and arrange public talks. This is happening in every place where the people are becoming conscious of their human rights. His importance will continue to grow among not only his community, but also among the OBCs, minorities, and women for the extraordinary role that he played in liberating them. India will always remain obliged to Babasaheb Ambedkar for handing political power to them, and for launching the real democratic movement in India.

Present-Day India is not very different from India that Babasaheb Ambedkar left in the hands of his fellow countrymen. Rather in some areas, Indian society has deteriorated, if we for a moment assume that Indian society really existed at any point in time in the history of India.

Take, for example, the way the democracy and democratic institutions are undermined by the political party at the power with a meagre support from the public. The way it has done away with the fundamental rights of the SCs and STs. The right to represent in the higher echelons of the government is thrashed by the government by challenging the reservation in promotion. The SC/ST atrocity act which directly comes from the Article 17 of the constitution and hence the basic feature of Indian nation-state is undermined by two judges bench and made toothless.

The way the students have been denied their right to have access to education is an indication of the motives of the RSS/BJP.

While this is happening, there are many signs that the movement in the name of Babasaheb Ambedkar is growing and growing leaps and bounds. The recently successful demonstration of the SC/STs in the multiple states of India in sync with each other is an indication of the things to come for the Ambedkarite movement and its growing power. No political party and their leader can afford to criticise Babasaheb Ambedkar openly, but their trolls and their goons do it all the time.

The national media is not at all sympathetic to the cause of India’s 30 percent people, but the people’s media is making unimaginable things happen. Babasaheb Ambedkar and his thoughts are ever relevant, be it the economic problems of India, the political problems of India, and above all, the social problems in India cannot be solved without understanding Babasaheb Ambedkar. His thoughts are percolating in the society and it has been a slow process, but his personality has already entered in the lives of people and he adorn every house of the SCs and he stands as the liberation of hope for millions through his millions of statues.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale

Read also:  Ambedkar's Constitutional Vision of Inclusion in India

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  1. 1
    DrLaxmi Berwa

    It is no doubt that S.C/Dalis are the mostly who worship Dr.Ambedkar as our Messiah but I don’t the same fervor among Tribal community and forget the largest chunk of OBC who are Hindus first and Hindus last because their social and cultural mind set is infected with the notion of caste i.e superior and inferior. ,in my humble opinion” Dr.Ambekar was a Dalit leaders/icon”, as perpetuated by shameless Media.On political front S.T and OBC unite to get Dalit votes which are rarely transferable bidirectionally.
    Dalits don’t have too many friends around, others exploit their votes for their own purposes.So Dalits you have to fight you have to fight your own battle with little help from other,I firmly believe that it is Dr.Ambedkar’s teaching which will the inspiration for centuries ti come so long we are not treated as equal and and with dignity.I have little hope that so called upper caste are going to deprive themselves of their “higher status”.It is we who have to fight .
    This reminds the famous quote of British bull dog Sir Winston Churchill to paraphrase,we are going to fight with Nazi at sea, air and land.
    Will we fight with Hindu Nazi in India?

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