While Dr Ambedkar’s Statues Are Being Broken in India, The University of Melbourne Installed Dr Ambedkar’s Bust [Photos & Video]


Despite most of the Dr Ambedkar’s statues in India are installed by the hard earned money of Dalits, still, they are the one mostly broken by so-called upper castes. It happens just because of the hatred in the minds and bellies of so-called upper castes toward so-called lower castes.

While Brahminical India can continue to break Dr Ambedkar’s statues and appropriate his ideology, we will continue to take him all over the world! While Hindus carry caste wherever they go, we bring Dr Ambedkar and his ideology of equality with us.

Recently, Dr Ambedkar’s bust was unveiled at The University of Melbourne, Australia during the Dr Ambedkar Jayanti celebration by Ambedkar International Mission (AIM). It is a great moment for everyone and we congratulate everyone who worked towards this.

Here are the video and a few pictures from the event!

Read also:  Individual Respect and Social Inequality - A Case of India's Caste System

Ambedkar at University of Melbourne

Dr Ambedkar at University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne and Ambedkar

The University of Melbourne and Ambedkar

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  1. 5
    Mahes Vasudevan

    great and keep up the good work. Dr.BR Ambedkar a great leader of all and in particularly when coming from the bottom of the society of multi-layered suppressive casteism and proved as a great educationalist and a social leader and a national figure.

  2. 6

    While in India , we are getting hurt time and again by the desecration of the statutes of our great leader Dr.Ambedkar , we feel proud to see such recognition world over. Jai Bheem.

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