Corporate Ram and Yogi’s Hindutva


Yogi wants to build 100-meter statues of Ram in Ayodhya and he wants to give the project a CSR tag to collect money to build it. The CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility, the legal measure to make the private companies responsible to citizens. As such the CSR was to become what the Right to Information Act became for the citizens to make the Government responsible.

India is a secular country and therefore any diversion of the public money or public policies for the religious fundamentalism is against the spirit of the country. The site in Ayodhya is disputed and the legal issue is not whether Ram was born there, but who owns the title of land. It is from the legal point a battle of real estate and the state must intervene to build something that is useful to the citizens if it wants to quash the legal claims. Historically, the site of Ayodhya was the Buddhist site and there are ample archaeological pieces of evidence to prove the case.

If Yogi succeeds in getting the CSR tag attached to building the statue of Ram, it will be the greatest betrayal of the people, not just because Ram is anti-OBC and anti-women mythical figure, but also his idea of the rule is anti-democratic and hence anti-national.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

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