Unity in Defeat – On BSP’s Defeat in Rajya Sabha Election

The way BSP’s candidate was defeated in RS polls exposes the Manuvadi power structure in India. BJP used all the immoral weapons in its armour, misusing state machinery, including courts and the anti-bahujans manuwadi media.

The most interesting fact that has emerged from this election is the cross-voting of 3 MLAs of SP/BSP in favour of BJP. These include Singh a Thakur, Agrawal a Baniya and Mishra a Bramhin. This shows that these Bramhin, Baniya and Thakur MLAs had their allegiance to their caste first and therefore they chose to vote BJP, the party of Brahmin-Baniya-Thakurs. For them, the ideology of the party they belong to was not important, their caste was. This should be an eye-opener for Akhilesh Yadav and Mayawati. On the other hand, BSP-SP alliance is getting stronger each day.

Interestingly, one of the Scheduled Caste MLA of BJP has voted BSP candidate, acknowledging that BSP only can safeguard the interests of SC/ST/OBCs. What about the rest of the SC MLAs in BJP? Just like the Bramhin-Baniya-Thakur trio who voted BJP’s candidate, why couldn’t the SC MLAs in BJP vote the BSP candidate? The answer is simple. These SC/ST MLAs are products of Poona Pact. They are not true representatives of SC/ST communities. The political reservation elects the stooges and agents of manuvadi parties from SC/STs to the Parliament and the state legislature. They are there to further their individual interests and not the interests of the communities they are supposed to represent. It is time for the SC/STs to get back their lost rights of the separate electorate so that the true representatives of these communities are elected to parliament and state legislatures.

Author – Jayant Pathri


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  1. 1
    DrLaxmi Berwa

    Mr. Pathri ,a great posting.Unfortunately Poona Pact breeds feckless Dalit politicians as mere parasite on Dalit masses.There has to be an open revolt among the masses against the entire political democracy and Dr.Ambedkar had once remarked and let there be a civil war like in U.S between the have and have nots.The current politcal system is maintaining upper caste/Hindu hegemony.Wake up people!!!

  2. 2

    The salvation lies in organising CONFEDERATION OF DALIT ELECTORS (C.D.E.).CAtleast people who are elected from reserved constitutions should have allegience to the welfare and safety of Dalits. As long as they are elected on behalf of parties other than that of Dalits , they cannot do justice for our community. Let only Dalit Parties contest reserved seats with the support of Muslims and Christians by reciprocating unilateral support of Dalit parties to them contesting from any party other than that of Congress andthe BJP. We shal definitely make a mark in ensuring SOCIAL JUSTICE.

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