Is India Governed by the “Deep State”?


The Indian political system is being veered in the direction of single-party politics. Though the number of seats won in the elections is not the true reflection of people’s choice, it is made to feel like that by the media and propaganda. India is a vast country and it is a heterogeneous society. In fact, it is a divided society, on the caste lines, and now on communal line. When the power got transferred from the British to the people in India, the constitution of India ensured that the power is transferred to the people effectively. However, it seems that India is moving away from “We, the people” to “Me, the people” system. The constitution ensured that the nascent nation will be a democratic republic and that the state will be elected by the people with the mandate to create new India that will be free, equal, just, and caring. This meant that India will be multiparty democracy as there are many interest groups and the parliamentary system will ensure that there will be a government by discussion so that the interests of each other are discussed, communicated, and shared programs can be created. But, there is the contradiction. One one hand, India is governed politically by the democratic principles as mandated in the constitution, on the other hand, Indian society is governed by the Manusmriti principles that ensures that the social stratification remains the same.

The “state” is duty bound to implement the constitution of India because the Indian “state” is the creation of the constitution. The constitution is flexible enough to work for solving the new problems, but it is founded on the immutable laws of human society without which no society can really be the society. And those laws are the laws of interdependence and entangled society from which the principles and values of liberty, equality, and fraternity flows. This means that the “state” is duty bound to protect its creator and the values that that creator has maintained as the immutable values. Democracy cannot be abolished. It will be the abolition of India itself. This means that there should be free and fair elections and any party running the state should face the scrutiny of the public.

But the structure of the state is not just the cabinet under the Prime Minister. This is the executive organ of the government, but the Parliament is the supreme law-making body and this structure informs the citizens what the Executive is doing and it keeps the Executive informed as to what the Citizens are thinking through their representatives. The direct democracy where people can directly voice their opinions maybe possible in the future due to technological advancements. Till that time, we have to bear with the indirect democracy through the people’s representatives. The act of constitutionality is the mandate of the Supreme Court, which decides if any law is constitutional or not.

The technical requirements to run the state creates the structure of espionage and spooking. This is what had happened in some democracies when the “intelligence bureau” has become the superstates or the “deep states”. Is there a “deep state” that is running India at this stage? Judging by the events in the Indian political system, India is run by the “deep state”. It is not just the intelligence bureau, but the RSS, which is, in reality, the “deep state” that is running the Government. This deep state is not the popular state because this deep state protects only the interests of the Brahmans and Banias. The Indian state has become the instrument to make the “deep state”deeper. The offices of the ministers are manned by the people from the RSS. Important files are sent to the RSS. The national government allocated huge resources to the RSS. The Indian capitalists have to kowtow to the RSS chief.

If the RSS emerges as the open claimant for the power, it cannot succeed and hence it has created a political wing called the BJP to enact and enforce its agenda. The scholars who studied the RSS have found that the RSS was not formed to oppose the Muslims, but the emerging Non-Brahman movement in India. The non-Brahman movement is the only movement that can ensure the democracy in India. Any movement led by the Brahmans-Banias cannot be a democratic movement. It can create an illusion of democracy, but it cannot be a democratic movement. In the state that is run by the Manusmriti, the OBCs (Jats, Marathas, Kunbis, Kappus, Reddys, Kammas, Patels, and so on) will be just reduced to the Shudras. The women will be only treated as the slaves. It will be the dangerous regime. But this is not the imagination at this moment. This is happening. The regime of the four varnas and thousands of castes that existed in the society will be enforced by the state as the “deep state” that is running the larger state is the worshipper of the Manusmriti.

The only solution is the emergence of the social movements which will effectively destroy this anti-India, anti-national, anti-people deep state, the RSS.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale

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