Brahmin Boys Distorting India’s History


Sharma, the cultural minister of India, is entrusted with a task to rewrite the history of India to suit the interests of the Brahmins. The twelve members committee consists of the Brahmin boys is trying hard to align India’s history with the interests of the Brahmins and what is strange in this committee is that there is no dissenting voice from any of India’s political parties.

The main task that they are endowed with is to prove that all Indians come from the same stock and that stock makes them the part of the same community. Needless to say that this is to denounce the theory of Mulnivasi Bahujan oppressed by the invading aryan Brahmins. However, even culturally India’s oppressed classes are different from the oppressing classes in terms of the cultural practices. Their cultural practices do not match and they definitely constitute a separate race from the Brahmins and this is what the Brahmins fear and hence they try to create an “official” version in which they and the others are the same.

But in practice the Brahmin boys have only one interest to secure and that is the interest of their caste and hence all this rewriting of the Indian history is going on.

The “Brahmin” nationalist historians are coming up with the versions of history that suits their power and their hold on the Indian society, politics, and economy. If one thinks of the names of them like Shukla, Vaidya, Dikshit and their affiliations with the RSS, one can see what a sinister project this is.

The Brahmins have always wiped out the histories of the other communities and only provided their version of the history. The history is also a politics and whoever controls the history potentially controls the politics. With the control over politics, the history is not difficult to change at all and hence the plot of the Brahmins is not only the murder of the plurality and diversity that India’s constitution teaches, but also anti-national as it denies the rightful place of all the communities other than the handful of Brahmins in the history.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale

Read also:  Letter to Mark Zuckerberg, Help Facebook Understand Caste System in India!

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    DrLaxmi Berwa

    I have no disagreement with your view, but what is the antidote. RSS has been active in their agenda for > 100 years( I stand corrected) and they have been slow but steady in propagating their agenda in front of every body and they are not apologetic about it.How come a 2-3% population is having an agenda for the remaining population? It is worth brooding about.
    Is the >90 of the population deaf and dumb or blind that our existence does not mean any thing any more? If we are not vigilant ,we might end up as non-existent.

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