Main Points From Saheb Kanshi Ram’s Speech at First International Dalit Conference, Kuala Lumpur
Excerpt from Saheb Kanshi Ram’s speech at First International Dalit Conference, Kuala Lumpur. We need to become ruling class if we want to form a casteless society said Saheb Kanshi Ram. If you want to read the full speech, you can read it from here.
- You will never find Brahmins and other Savarna caste people organizing such conventions for “reformation of casteless society”. This is because the castes were formed by these same people with an ill intention to secure their self-interests.
- The formation of castes has brought benefits to minuscule few savarna castes but on another hand the generations after generations of the 85 % Bahujan Samaj have been at the receiving end of this oppressive caste system.
- The castes were not born without any purpose. There are specific purposes and selfish interests hidden behind the formation of castes. As long as this specific purpose and selfish interests exist, the caste cannot be annihilated.
- The Bahujan Samaj has been subjugated to the beastly oppression and inhuman humiliations. If the caste system has been beneficial to the Savarna Caste people then why would they vouch for its annihilation?
- The debates, conventions and conferences of these kinds can be organized only by we people who have been victims of the oppressive caste system.
- The beneficiaries of the caste system would never be interested in the annihilation of caste. On the contrary, they would work towards strengthening the caste system so that they continue to reap the benefits arising from caste system for the ages to come.
- I believe that until time we are not able to form a casteless society, we need to use caste to annihilate caste. If Brahmins can use caste for the benefit of their society then why can not we use it for the benefit of our society?
- I have never wasted an even single minute on the issue of a separate electorate. If the right to separate the electorate could not be obtained during the time when Britishers were in the rule in India then how can I secure those rights when Manuwadis are the rulers of India.
- The Manuvadis beneficiaries of the ‘caste’ have formed ‘caste’ so that they can perpetually rule over Bahujan Samaj. They have been protectors and saviours of the ‘caste system’ to ensure their perpetual monopolistic rule over Bahujan Samaj.
- If you want to annihilate ‘caste’ then you have to prevent Manuvadis from reaping the benefits of ‘caste’. As long as Manuvadi beneficiaries of ‘caste’ are left scot-free to use the ‘caste’ to their own benefits, the Bahujan victims of ‘caste’ will continue to suffer from ‘caste’.
- Who is capable of giving reservations? Only the ruling class of people can give reservations to others. Even to enable your own society capable of reaping the benefits and to protect their interests, you have to become a ruling class.
- Therefore we have to prepare ourselves in the direction of becoming a ruling class in India. We have to become the rulers … It is the solution to most of our problems.
- My only message to you all is that you should march ahead in the direction of the formation of a casteless society by means of right thinking you can form a casteless society by capturing the political master key because only the ruling class can form a new social order.
- Our intellectuals often think that solution to all our problems is in Marxism, Socialism and Communism. I strongly believe that in a country where Manuvad is present no other ism can become successful The reason being no other ism is ready to accept the reality of the caste.
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