On Occasion of Marathi Divas – Mother Tongue and it’s Role in Education.

Am not really among those who exhibit unwarranted pride in their mother tongue. In fact, I am a strong votary of making English as a medium of instructions in all the Government and Private Primary/Secondary Schools across India. Having studied in ZP primary village school in Marathi up to 7th class and then in Hyderabad Public School, a top Public School in the country from 8th to 12th class, I can vouch for the difference a good English medium school can make in life.

Some people give examples of few personalities who have made big in life, in spite of studying in Marathi medium school. But for every such example of a successful person who studied in vernacular medium, there are thousands of people who have lost in the competition of education and employment because of their studies in vernacular medium schools. English should be the first language in every school and the vernacular language be taught as the second language and all other subjects should be taught in English.

All the state boards should be done away with and single national board like CBSE should be retained. This only can bring uniformity in education and create a level playing field for every student in the country. The current education system is unjust, creates the advantage for the English medium students of CBSE/ICSE board schools over students studying in vernacular medium schools following state board.

Having said the above, I am a proponent of the need to preserve and promote the local culture and languages. Within Maharashtra, there are many local variants of Marathi like Zadipatti, Ahirani, Gondi, Varhadi, etc. This local bolis are part of the distinct culture of different areas of the state. These different variants need protection and promotion by the state.

Author – Jayanti Pathri

Read also:  बहुजन समाज के एक महान समाज-सुधारक और साहित्यकार स्वामी अछूतानंद जी

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  1. 1
    DrLaxmi Berwa

    Thank you Mr. Pathri,
    Historically Dr.Ambedkar would not have been that famous had he not had English language and foreign educated. All his writings are in English language which gives a better sense of what he meant .It is the language of lions and not the foxes.All over the world one can communicate with English language no matter which part you go. I don’t mean to denigrate Marathi Language ,it has its own history , culture and literature. Even in India all major business, top educational institutions ,professional education use english as their media of communication , both in India or overseas.English will remain the hall mark of advancement for marginalized people.

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