Why I Use ‘Dalit’ Word
A few weeks ago, Satvendar Madara, a good friend, sent me his article “Dalit word, a conspiracy or a mistake” [original article in Hindi]. Similar discussions keep on taking place in various groups on social media where many keep on fighting whether we shall use ‘Dalit’, ‘Bahujan’ or ‘Mulnivasi’ and I have been asked my views on the same multiple times. So, here I would like to put my thoughts on the same in an article format and present the other side.
Though I agree with most of the things said in the article, I still believe it is neither a mistake nor a conspiracy from Dalits’ side. Satvendar talks about establishing unity among 6000 castes in India but where is the unity among the various castes in Dalits? I strongly believe unity among different caste groups in Dalits is more important than the unity of Dalits with others. I also disagree with the assertion that Scheduled Castes association with Dalit widened the gap between OBCs and SCs. If there is no association or collaboration between OBCs and SCs, I believe it is more because they don’t know the real history of discrimination endured by the respective communities.
The “Dalit” word means ‘oppressed’ or ‘broken’, which evoke emotions and is associated with the sense of identity and pride to fight against the social injustice of so-called upper castes. No other word simulates such strong emotions as Dalit word, be it ‘Bahujan’ or ‘Mulnivasi’. Such words are passive and puts you in comfort, try to give you feeling of comfort, don’t show dominant powers, or don’t show pitiful conditions. Term Dalit evokes the emotions like no other term, makes people realise and acknowledge not only the past atrocities but those still going on the basis of caste in so-called modern Indian society.
If one looks at the BJP, RSS, VHP or any other Hindutva organisations’ address to Dalit, one will notice these all don’t call oppressed people ‘Dalit’ rather they all use either ‘vanchit’ or ‘pichda’ samj terminology. Do these words (vanchit and pichda) evoke any emotion of oppression based on Brahminical caste system? No. The community can be ‘vanchit’ or ‘pichdi’ because of different reasons and these words don’t imply or give a true picture of Dalit society. These Brahminical organisations are not emphasising on the usage of such terms without reason. RSS/BJP emphasise on ‘vanchit smaj’ terminology for Dalits because if they start using the word “Dalit” it would raise issues of conflicts in a caste-ridden society where on first place RSS/BJP have positioned themselves as upper castes’ party. So by using ‘vanchit smaj’ terminology they still can try to appropriate and bring Dalit votes into their fold and not offend so-called upper castes. They want to appropriate Dalit-Bahujans history at each and every level and such projects are going on at the scales beyond imagination.
I understand the importance of right terminology as it defines the struggle community is leading but we need to learn from Brahminical forces the ways they use, different terminologies, to suit their motives and fulfil their intentions. When the enemy is ready to use any term, name, word, method, strategy to achieve its target shall we restrict ourselves to some specifics? I doubt so and believe use any name, term, according to the situation and need. Saheb Kanshi Ram used to say till the time there is caste, I will continue to use it for the benefit of my community so till the time there is oppression and oppressed people (Dalit) why shouldn’t they devise plans to use any term, name, for their own benefits? I believe they have an equal right to assert themselves as they want to. So to keep ourselves restricted to one name, terminology or one strategy or one method only should not be the strategy. Use whichever name or term that suits the ‘agenda’ of Dalit-Bahujans politics and benefits the community in the longer run.
Author – Pardeep Attri
I think Dalit – Bahujan is the most appropriate term to unite SC, ST & OBC as prof Kancha ilaiha mentioned in his book.
Let us see that, Bahujan , Mulnivasi Identity is perfect word ! These words determines Bramhnical and Phule- Ambedkarite sides. Dalit word separates SC,ST from OBC and gets isolate. Brahmnical forces gets OBC’s in their clutch and use as Unpaid Army.
Also Dr Ambedkar said to organize SC,ST,OBC, Converted Minorities against Brahmnical Social Order.
Why are you going against Phule Ambedkar Periyar thoughts ?
Jai Bhim Chandan,
We are not going against Phule-Ambedkarite thoughts. All that we are trying to say is we must use all words/terms whichever necessary as RSS does to benefit our community. That’s it.
Thank you for the comment.
Here u r expected to give ur conclusive view instead making things comfortable like instead analysing ,u appear to do synthesising. DALIT is the right word n be accepted unequivocally… Jai Bheem!!!