19-20 December 2017, “Dalit Women Speak Out” Conference in Pune, Support It!


Dr. Ambedkar said that I am a great believer in women’s organization. He said I know that what they can do to improve the condition of the society if they are convinced. In the eradication of social evils, they have rendered great services. I will testify to that from my own experience. Ever since I began to work on the depressed classes, I made it a point to carry women along with men. I strongly believe in the movements run by women. If they are truly taken into confidence, they may change the present picture of a society which is very miserable. In past, they have played a significant role in improving the condition of weaker section and classes.

Women, in general, face the worst kind of discrimination and when you are Dalit women one can’t even imagine the kind of discrimination Dalit women have to face in day to day life. To hear their voices, a conference is being co-organised by All India Dalit Mahila Adhikar Manch and Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Women’s Studies Centre.

The #dalitwomenspeakout event in Pune is a two-day conference aimed at bringing in approximately 250 Dalit women activists, professionals, practitioners, students and leaders together. The conference will make an attempt to weave the diversity of our voices towards constructing new approaches to transformative politics.

This two-day conference will open out spaces for critical discussions amongst Dalit women, facilitated by Dalit women.  It will provide a unique opportunity to remain unguarded, reflect on our strengths and weaknesses and collectively build resilient trajectory for the future.

In case you would like to support financially or would like to put a stall at the event, please check more information from here.

Organisers need volunteers to manage the different task during the event. In case you would like to volunteer, please e-mail at dalitwomenspeak[@]gmail.com

More details about the event are available on the event website.

I believe it is an important event and as a Dalit community, we must come out, support the event and make it successful. Giving chance to Dalit women to speak, express themselves, would open complex issues which might be out of our sights and as Dalit women face the worse forms of discrimination, their voices, stories matters and they themselves can only share/speak that pain and how to deal with those issues. We must help by all means possible to give them a space to express; hence, this conference is crucial.

Come forward and support the #dalitwomenspeakout event!

Jai Bhim!

Read also:  What is the Psychological and Material Cost of Inequality?

Dalit Women Speak Out

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  1. 1
    Dr.Laxmi Berwa

    I wish them great success, as Dr. Amnbdkar stated, Dalit women’s contribution can make a great deal of contribution in a “miserable society”. I hope that they make a “Blue paper or a White Paper for the circulation to the various authorities to rectify the issues facing the Dalit/Bahujan women.

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