Kejriwal Govt. Goes Against its Own Notification to Remove Reservation


Delhi Govt had published a recruitment notice last year for engagement of Guest Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) Urdu / and TGT Punjabi in Delhi Govt Schools for 2016-17. As the notice dated 28/10/2016, vacancy provided total 760 seats (SC- 114, ST-57,  OBC – 205, Other 384) for TGT Punjabi and 718 seats (SC – 107, ST – 53, OBC – 193, Other – 365) for TGT Urdu. Further, the notice stated that 3% posts are reserved for PH candidates across categories. [1]

However, the merit list published by the Delhi Govt completely ignored the reservation criteria and came up with merit list on 10/12/2016.

The TGT Urdu list was published with academic merit ranking for each district. The result notification did not provide any separate merit list for SC/ST/OBC candidates. All the SC/ST candidates are selected completely on the basis of academic merit ranking without any regards to the reservation criteria. Overall SC and ST candidates are given less than 4% allocated seats against 22.5% reservation provided as per the Constitution of India. The TGT Urdu results had following data. [2]

District SC ST OBC and Others Total
Central 0 1 57 58
East 1 1 44 46
New Delhi 2 0 44 46
North 0 1 27 28
North East 4 1 123 128
North West A 0 0 12 12
North West B 0 1 25 26
South 1 2 48 51
South East 5 0 131 136
South West B 0 3 43 46
West A 0 0 12 12
West B 0 0 6 6
Total 13 10 572 595
Percentage 2.18% 1.68% 96.13% 100.00%


In the above table, OBC candidates are counted with others considering a significant number of OBC candidates potentially qualifying as unreserved category candidates.

Further, the result notification provided merit list of selected candidates for TGT Punjabi positions. This list also completely disregards the reservation criteria with no separate list for SC/ST/OBC and ST category allocated minuscule 0.20% seats.

Delhi Govt led by Mr. Kejriwal must follow the Constitution and provide stipulated reservation as per the Law of the nation.



Author – S Kumar

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