How Kejriwal’s Politics is Destroying Delhi Schools’ Performance


First Kejriwal government in Delhi was formed in December 2013 as a minority government with outside support from Congress. The Government lasted only for few months before resigning in Feb 2014. The next Kejriwal Government was formed in Feb 2015. Since then, Kejriwal is claiming to do improvement in the Education department. However, the result of Delhi schools in 2016 shows a decline in average performance.

As per the performance analysis done by Delhi Government itself, the average score of a student in Class XII exam declined by 3.46 marks despite an increase in pass percentage by 0.8% in 2016.

Average score by the student in Government School declined from 290.77 in 2015 to 287.3 in 2016, thus registering a fall of 3.46 average score. The pass percentage increased from 88.11% in 2015 to 88.91% in 2016.

As everyone understands, in the current competitive world passing an examination is not sufficient. Gone are the days, when first division degree guaranteed a job. Contemporary time requires the best performance.

The result shows a clear decline in the Government school performance to deliver the better result. Here is the detailed breakup of district wise result [1]

2016 2015 Difference
Delhi District PP QI PP QI PP QI
East 88.03 285.7 88.73 293.28 -0.7 -7.6
North East 88.66 285.6 84.14 280.78 4.52 4.81
North 90.98 300.9 89.19 301.82 1.79 -0.94
North West A 89.36 283.4 88.58 290.87 0.78 -7.47
North West B 87.69 284.2 88.74 291.16 -1.05 -6.96
West A 89.95 295.3 91.62 301.21 -1.67 -5.92
West B 90.5 291.8 91.15 295.04 -0.65 -3.27
South West A 90.75 290.7 93.34 300.26 -2.59 -9.53
South West B 95.72 312.5 96.85 324.67 -1.13 -12.2
South 91.95 286.2 83.94 276.43 8.01 9.72
New Delhi 94.1 287.7 95.08 301.56 -0.98 -13.9
Central 87.94 287.8 88.09 291.8 -0.15 -4.03
South East 82.49 272.2 84.44 278.16 -1.95 -5.99
Total 88.91 287.3 88.11 290.77 0.8 -3.46

N.B. – PP = Pass Percentage, QI = Average Marks

Kejriwal is continuously engaging in propaganda and media is supporting him to push his agenda. Same media supported his Anna Hazare campaigning, and what followed after that everyone is aware of that.

Congress has played that improved pass percentage game for long time. The literacy rate improved with lowering of standard of education during last few decades. Congress even removed examination till class 7 to improve literacy level, but it had disastrous impact. Delhi Govt survey shows that 70% Class VI student in Govt schools are unable to read from their own textbook. [2]

Hence, Kejriwal Govt should not propagate and repeat the mistakes of Congress government and work towards improving the quality of education.


[1] Delhi Government performance analysis website

[2] 70% Of Class VI Government School Students Can’t Read A Paragraph: Survey

Author – S. Kumar

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