Kejriwal is Reserving 50% Seats for Upper Castes in EVGC Recruitment


Kejriwal’s Delhi Government had published vacancy for the Guest Educational and Vocational Guidance Counsellors (EVGCs) in Schools of Directorate of Education for the Academic Year 2017-18. The notification mentioned clear reservation rules for the SC/ST/OBC/PH category candidates.

The result was declared with the rank wise merit list. Kejriwal’s Government published Panel of Guest EVGCs for Session 2017-18 on 14/07/2017. However, the list was shocking with close to 50% seats out of total 523 candidates reserved for upper caste candidates irrespective of their performance. The list has following breakup.

Category Number of candidates Percentage
GEN 260 49.7%
SC 82 15.7%
ST 19 3.6%
OBC 146 27.9%
PH 16 3.1%
Total 523 100.0%


Among top 260 top ranking candidates, 36 belongs to SC category, 1 belongs to ST category, 47 belongs to OBC category and 4 belongs to PH category. However, none of these 88 SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates are included in the list of 260 candidates belonging to General category.

Kejriwal’s Delhi Government is claiming significant work progress in Delhi Education department. The performance will be evaluated in a separately but the above action by Kejriwal’s Delhi Government clearly shows his anti Constitutional and anti-reservation agenda.

Many other vacancies published by Delhi Government including the hiring of Retired personals completely ignores any reservation rules. Kejriwal must follow the law and don’t cheat his voters constituency which majority comes from SC/ST/OBC background.

Final list published on Delhi Government website is available here

Author – S. Kumar

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  1. 1

    Law is clear that ‘General’ is not a social group or category. It is also clear that a reserved category (lower castes) candidate can compete with generate class or upper castes. But the recent supreme court judgement invalidated these. Now the upper castes effectively get 50% reservation. This is RSS dream (50%) come true. 100% dream will be achieved when the upper castes get 100%.

  2. 2

    What Kind of Stupid arguments? All SC/ST/OBC have been shown reservations and percentage of General class shown as reference. Does the writer mean to say that give those 88 people seats out of General quota and keep 50% reservation on Top of that so that General people limit themselves to 20-30% remaining seats.

  3. 4

    S.Kumar ji. You are criticising Kejriwal without knowing anything. Did you ask comments of AAP leaders? Do you know reservation rules? First go and check the supreme court order in this regard. As per these orders all categories will be compartmentalised into different categories. So SC or ST or OBC category candidates cannot come into general category when they opt for a particular category, therefore remaining seats will go to unreserved merit holders. For your information, I would also like to say that reserved candidates always wants to get seat under reserved quota even if they come into merit list. This is because by claiming reservation, they get tuition fee waiver and other benefits associated with reservation.

    • 5

      Which order states that any SC/ST having qualifying marks to get a seat in General category can’t be given seat under General category?

      • 6

        No, they can not if they applied as SC/SC/OBC earlier. Take an example. Tina Dabi was topper of recent UPSC civil services exam. Although, she got highest marks, she didn’t change her category as this would led her qualification in Preliminary exam cancelled.

  4. 7
    Amit kumar

    केजरीवाल भी तो यूरेशियन ही है वैश्य अर्थात बनिया ?
    गाँधी भी बनिया था न फ़िर क्या किया था उसने सत्ता यूरेशियन सवर्णों को दिलवाई थी?याद है न?ना तो मंहगाई रुकी, न तो भ्रष्टाचार रुका |
    ना तो हत्या रेप रुकी ,न तो अत्याचार रुका |
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    टैक्सो की महामारी से, देश का बाजार रुका|
    नोटबन्दी से छुटभइयो का साराकारोबार रुका|
    खातो में 15-15 लाख आ गये,
    अब तो अच्छे दिन भा गये |
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