Puzzle of the Brahminical Vedas


Contrary to the commonly accepted belief by the majority of the European and foreign scholars, the theory of Aryan invasion of India is point by point challenged and proven wrong. It is understood in the brahminical laid theory that the Aryas were a different race from the then living massed of India. These Aryans were from the central Europe and invaded India.

Later who settled down and laid the varnashrama. It is propounded by these scholars in order to prove their supremacy over the other Diaspora of people present at the time. Since by referring to themselves as descendents of European origin, superiority could be established amongst the people, as the European, and whiter skin tone of these people would suggest being on par with the other races.

Referring to themselves as descendants of European origin one may establish himself as superior which is exactly the reason the invasion theory is widely accepted. It is disappointing that bigger names like Max Muller or other higher names in the anthropology during the times had accepted such bizarre theory by Brahmins.

Only with the painstaking and brilliant mind like Dr. Ambedkar would achieve the impossible to decode the long forgotten or hidden truth beneath the madly appearing scriptures of Brahminical Vedas.

Although as a historian many would refer to the foreign authors and scholars outside the countries owns boundaries, Dr. Ambedkar was confident on his own suspicion over the existence of such long and mind bending verses of the Brahminical Vedas.

As a normal Hindu or as a Brahmin how many would go to defining length to seek the truth hidden under these verses, hymns of the Brahminical Veda.

Each word, each sentence, and its relation with other verses, or hymns in other Vedas, or correlating the sentences with the existing scenario would require a heavy and unimaginable strength to study these texts.

As one would think what is written in these texts must be of great importance, but on the contrary, the poets or the writers seem to be lost in their own animations so as to hide something. The hidden truth underneath each verse, the hymn is broken down piece by piece and when the truth comes out, everyone is shocked and can try to correlate the existential drama in the society over caste.

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Some highly acclaimed scholars of their times like Mr. Tilak propounded that the Aryan race belongs to the arctic based on the principles that at the arctic the sun shines for six months, and the Aryans were a solar race.

One may laugh on the childish interpretation by Mr. Tilak, to this point, Dr. Ambedkar has shown a clear picture, by referring to horse. We are well aware of the fascination of Aryan people towards the horse; it is indeed we know ashwamedh yagya holds importance to Aryans.

At many times other than ashwamedh, references and recitation of horses is found in the Vedic scriptures. One can only imagine a horse in arctic region. i.e. we do not find the animals like horse in this region of earth.

It is clear now that the existing popular theory of Aryan invasion of India is a false propaganda, serving to only establish the Brahmin supremacy over other people. Since this theory fails, what is the truth?

  1. Arya and Arya were two races (people) in India one time.
  2. The Aryans belonged to the solar race.
  3. There were two widely accepted Vedas of the Aryans,
  4. One Arya believed in the Rig Veda, while the others believed in atharv.
  5. Yajurveda and Sam Veda are branches of Rig Veda.
  6. In the Mahabharata we find a mention of paijavana, who is this paijavana? Paijavana is a Shudra.
  7. It is quite logically explained by Dr. Ambedkar, that there was a king named sudas, who was Shudra.
  8. Sudas had a fight with sage vashisth.
  9. Sudas and his sons were called saudas, and were a very powerful kingdom.

While vashishta beloved he will become the royal priest the post was given to vishwamitra by sudas. Over this their started fight between the sudas and the vashishta.

It is also highlighted and made to understood quiet easily that there were only three classes at one time in the indo-aryan times. The shudras were part of the third class, i.e. Kshatriyas. And later fell below the rank of Kshatriya based on the introduction of purusha sukta by Manu.

As a result of the differences sudasa threw the son of vashishtha into fire, since it generated immense hatred in hearts of vashishtha towards saudas, it was commonly agreed to discard the process of upanayana to the shudra kings, as a result of which the downfall of the shudras started. With the addition of purusha sukta later in the rig veda, the shudras were bound to fall below the rank of Kshatriya and formed the fourth group of the chaturvarnya.

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It is also understood that the shudras were not weaker section, they were in-fact kings, and were very wealthy and prosperous. At times it is suggested that they were powerful enough to head kingdoms. They were a class of the Kshatriya.

By not performing upanayana Brahmins opened a war front against the Shudras. The upanayana is a process under which a child has to visit the teacher, and his journey to learn the Vedas, and scriptures starts. It is elaborately explained by Dr. Ambedkar why upanayana was important to the Aryan people. And what stature did it hold to these people. The simple reason was that upanayana was regarded as a sacred process of transfer of knowledge, and transfer of gothra to a son from his father.

The upanayana also mandated wearing of sacred thread by the students, it can be understood that gradually the shudras after substantial loss to Brahmins fell to the rank of fourth varna as devised by the purusha sukta, which clearly was added at a later stage to the rig veda, to avenge the tyrannical deeds shudra kings performed over the Brahmins.

In his own words “Upanayana was in ancient Aryan society fundamental and how the social status and personal rights of persons depended upon it. Without upanayana, a person was doomed to social degradation, to ignorance to poverty. The stoppage of upanayana was a most deadly weapon discovered by Brahmins to avenge themselves against the shudras. It had the effect of an atomic bomb. It did make the shudra, to use the language of the Brahmins, a graveyard.”

Such is the truth hidden in the puzzles of Vedas, only to be decoded by genius puzzle solver like Dr. B. R Ambedkar.

Author – Ashish Gajbe

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