Interesting Electoral Stats that You Should Check  


One statistical fact reflects our greatest change: in our first elections (1951-52), our electorate was 173 million, the turnout was 110 million; last time (2014) 815 million could vote, but only 540 million did.

Turnout in percentages –

1951-52 election = (110*100)/173 = 63.58%

2014 election = (540*100)/815 = 66.25 %

Almost 35 per cent of population eligible to vote has not voted in elections conducted since independence. What is the social composition of these people?

Present BJP government has secured 31 per cent vote share.

Winning percentage with respect to the total eligible voters

= (31*514)/815 = 20.5%

So present government is ruling because they have got 20 percent votes of all eligible voters that were 815 million in 2014.

Contrary to popular belief OBCs decide the result of elections, it may be that upper castes are deciding results of elections.

This has been the case since 1947. I do not have conclusive data. But one can definitely see that there is nothing called OBC vote bank. It also explains the reduction of OBC representation in Lok Sabha since 2004 general elections.

Is the present electoral system that is first past the post system, responsible for voter turnout hovering around 65 per cent in general elections since independence?

Because a lot of communities are not getting representation under the present system, so it discourages them to vote.

Author – Loknath Kumar

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