An Angry Student’s Letter to the Professors of TISS on TISS’s Decision to End SC/ST/OBC Scholarships


A few weeks ago, Tata Institue of Social Science (TISS) issued circular that it would not provide financial aid to SC, ST and OBC students starting next semester. The Brahminical system tries its best to stop Dalit-Bahujans from progressing and adopts different tactics to deprive opportunities of education to Dalit-Bahujan communities. Depriving Dalit-Bahujan students from their scholarships is one such method developed by Brahminical forces.

Read below a letter from a student to his professors asking to take a stand against oppression.

I have something to tell you. I understand most of you are appointed on a contractual basis, and ideally most of you also are not in support of the arbitrary measures taken by TISS administration recently. But any concrete agitation from your side can affect your job severely as the fascist force is exceptionally powerful. But let me compare your position with mine. Being a NON GOI student any changes in scholarship or financial aid don’t directly affect me anyway. I being a normal student, like everyone is, of TISS Guwahati Campus will definitely face a lot of problems and restrictions (directly or indirectly), if I agitate against it. So shall I stop agitating? No, because you didn’t teach me to stop fighting against injustice.

Dear teachers do come out of your comfort zone, stop being a direct or indirect safeguard of this fascist force. I know that if you individually agitate what kind of hardships that you might have to go through, but think of the situation when you unite! When you all start agitating along with the students! Do something beyond changing your profile pictures, beyond giving some inspiring lectures only inside classrooms, beyond creating some political rhetoric.

Think of a day, when you would be searching for the meaning of your teaching, of your life, but there would be none. Think of the day when you would be the puppet of a fascist state and only creating machines, not students. Think of the day when your education and teaching would have no value and you would be questioning who you, what are you and why are you, are but there would be no answer to any of these questions. And you would stay empty.

Today one of the students of yours is lecturing you because he is angry. And his anger is the product of your teaching.

Dear teachers, stop safeguarding your position, and so that the state. Our universities are under threat, that means your life and your profession are under threat. RISE IN RAGE.

I am reminding you the three magical words, I have learnt from you.


Think what position you are in and what you have to do now.

Thanking you,

An Angry Student

Author – Snehashish Das, from the Facebook post.

Read also:  Hindu Mahasabha, 'Fallacious' 'Propaganda' 'Deceptive' Organisation - From the Pages of Bahishkrit Bharat

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