Meet 15 Years Old “Education Minister” of Bheem Army


Bheem Army is led by Chandrashekhar Azad, a 30-year-old lawyer and founder of Bheem Army Ekta Mission. Chandrashekhar formed the Bheem Army in 2014 after his father Govardhan Das, a headmaster, was frequently humiliated in school meetings, offered separate glass for drinking in staff room etc. The aim of the Bheem Army is to be a voice for the voiceless.

Special emphasis is given on educating the Dalit students. Following the “Educate, Agitate, Organise” advice of Babasaheb Ambedkar Bheem Army opened tuition centres to educate Dalit students.

15 years old Rohit Raj is well known as Education Minister among Bheem Army. He himself is studying in High School but also teaches at a Bhim Coaching Centre tuition centre for Dalit students and teaches students older than him!

Dalits students are ignored in the schools so Bhim Coaching Centres were needed to give proper guidance and coaching.

Dalits are hard working but why we are denied proper education? – Rohit Raj of Bheem Army

When a few years ago in his village, some so-called upper castes throw black paint on Guru Ravidas statue, Rohit realised the caste realities at a young age and joined the Bheem Army, which was fighting against caste discrimination.

In Bhim Coaching Centres elder students give their time and energy to teach younger students. It is whole community supported the project and run by Bheem Army.


If you listen to the above short video, you can see a 15-year-old Rohit in action, speaking fearlessly and conveying his message. Dalit-Bahujan community is full treasures, the only thing is most of the Dalit-Bahujans don’t get a chance to come forward and shine as most of the spaces are filled with Brahminical forces, which don’t let Dalit-Bahujans to come on the centre stage.

Bheem Army not only fights for the rights of Dalits but organises various camps for blood donation as well as traffic awareness with police. It is a cultural organisation and observes festivals related to Dalit-Bahujans such as Guru Ravidas Jayanti, Buddha Jayanti and Dr Ambedkar Jayanti.

Buddha and all Sikh Gurus have said, you must not only discard the Shastras, you must deny their authority & you should have the courage to tell Hindus that where they are wrong. Even Dr Ambedkar wanted us to come forward and fight for justice in the time like Saharanpur riots. Bheem Army is following what Dr Ambedkar, Buddha, Sikh Gurus have taught.

On 13th May in Delhi, Bheem Army is gathering to protest against the failure of UP government to protect Dalits of Saharanpur. Till now, around 100 Dalit houses have been burnt by Thakurs, who are no less than terrorists. Dalits houses have been looted and police have been silent and according to a few eye witnessed police even encouraged Thakurs to burn and loot Dalits’ houses. This is a total failure of Yogi Adityanath led BJP rule in UP.

Not only in Delhi but in Dalits from Punjab will also be protesting in Nawanshahr on 13th May 2017, against the atrocities of Thakurs of Saharnpur on Dalits.

When all else fails, it is permitted to take the sword into one’s hand. – Guru Gobind Singh Ji, 10th Guru of Sikhs

Bheem Army believes in writing their own history and teaches self-defense to Dalits and it came into the picture only 2 years ago but it has around 40,000 members and its aim is fight caste oppression.

Feature Image Credit – The Quint

Read also:  Dalit History Month - Remembering Rich Traditions of Dalit spirituality - Ad-Dharm

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  1. 2
    Prince Barpaga

    Just want to make a correction that it is “Educate, Organize and Agitate” instead of “Educate, Agitate, Organize”. How are we supposed to agitate without being organized?

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