[PDF] “One Hundred Years For Freedom” book by The Ambedkar Mission of Canada


The life and work of Dr. Ambedkar provide many valuable lessons for today’s Buddhists – both in terms of illustrating how committed social action can be embraced within the Buddhist tradition and in terms of shining a beacon on Buddhist practice in a country where many people erroneously think Buddhism disappeared hundreds of years ago.

This book, a celebration on the centennial of Ambedkar’s birth, was originally published by The Ambedkar Mission of Canada as the final issue of their bi-annual magazine, which was ceasing publication. “One Hundred Years for Freedom” was created in 1990 and published in 1991. The original book was distributed at no cost.

It is being re-published in digital form under a Creative Commons copyright. You are free to distribute it with attribution, but no modifications or commercial applications are allowed.

We feel this is in keeping with the original intent of the Ambedkar Mission Canada, and of those kind individuals and organizations who gave permission for their writings and photographs to be included in the book (for which I was one of the editors, the designer and the production manager for typesetting and printing).

DOWNLOAD – One Hundred Years For Freedom

The Sumeru Press Inc., 2009 / ISBN 978-1-896559-01-8

The Sumeru Press is committed to maintaining a repository of documents pertinent to the history of Buddhism in Canada, for the benefit of practitioners and future historians. The new technologies of portable document formats and the internet have combined in a way that makes this possible as never before.

DOWNLOAD – One Hundred Years For Freedom

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