A Tale of a Monkey, Tiger and a Holy Cow in Brahminical India

In Jharkhand, a monkey killed a cow. In Una, where the four young Dalits were whipped and flogged in the public, a tiger killed the cow, which the Dalits were skinning. The cow vigilante (Gau-Rakshaks) are supposed to protect the cows. In both the cases, the culprits are animals and as a sacred duty the so-called protectors of the cow should catch the monkey and the tiger that killed the cow.

The cow is a political animal for the Hindutva brigade. But also the Hanuman being the head of monkeys is not less so.

Hanuman is the protector of monkeys and the tiger is an almighty vehicle for many gods. This war between the animals is a dilemma and one of the many riddles in Hinduism. Hinduism, as taught by the Brahmins, is a Brahmjal: the web created by the Brahmins to keep the Bahujans caught forever. Every attempt they make to come out of it is foiled by creating another layer of the web, and yet another, so that the Bahujans remain perpetually caught in it. The greatest talent of Brahmins, as Osho will call it, is the maker of stories. No doubt human beings are story loving animals. Anyone who had spent some time with a toddler will immediately discover, but it seems that the majority of the people in India are not ready to grow up into adults and start questioning the stories told by the Brahmins.

How to solve this conundrum of a bloody murder of a cow by a monkey and a tiger is an interesting question.

What was the intention of the monkey to kill the cow? Was it simply fed up and angry because his master was receded to the sidelines and the cow became prominent in the Hindu psychology? What was the intention of the tiger that killed the cow in Una, Gujarat, and the poor Dalits were beaten up? Would we call that tiger in the custody and question him/her over the intention? These are deeper questions, not from the legal point of view, but from the point of view of the Hindus who are made to worship 33 crores of gods.

It is an interesting idea indeed, but the larger list of gods will take zillions of days to compile. But it is the time the other animals should demand their cow rights. Why would they be discriminated and why aren’t they given the same rights as a cow? We have to wait a minute here. All the animals are not equal. But the cows are more equal. The immediate cousin of cow, buffalos, is not even spared despite the fact that they do much more work in India than the sacred cows. But the buffalos cannot get equal right as the fellow cow. The reason is simple. The buffalos are black. They are dark skinned. The efficient Indian government after serving its citizens fully and having made them rich and joyful have fulfilled its responsibility.

The Government has given each Indian citizen a nice unique number which can be recited to open the cave of Alibaba by just chanting it. It is a meticulous way of satisfying the needs and hunger of the Indians. It is a magical mantra, like the magical Mantras of Brahmins in Vedas which conjure up any cocktail or even hardcore liquor by mere chanting, of the Adhaar card that conjures up everything for the Indian citizens.

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But the cow, that sacred cow, the white cow, the multi-storeyed building that would rival Trump towers coming in Mumbai which houses 33 crore gods in its belly, needs special unique ID. Though the cows do not have names, as yet, but yes they should be labelled and given names. They should be identified by their unique horns because the unique belly that replicates the abode of 33 gods is not enough to identify an individual cow with respect to other cows. We have to humbly cow down to the Government for such an initiative. If we do not cow down, the Government will force us to kowtow, for the cow is the national Hindutva animal. We made a mistake when we made some other lesser animal the national animal of India. It is time we correct the historical mistake.

Let’s come back to cows. We cannot stray away in another pasture. The Government of the humans, by the humans, but for the cows is perhaps the best example of how e(gau)litarian the Government can be. The e-cards for the Gau is the masterstroke of administrative egalitarianism. We were not happy with being a banana nation that we invented cow nation. We control the important beef trade in the world. The people in Bangladesh are unhappy as they do not get their share of cows, but the people at large throughout the world enjoy India’s greatest gift of beef. The Hindus can open the killing machines for the cow, but those killing grounds must be designated as the Muslim names. The majority of the beef exporting houses are owned by the Hindus, but the names must Muslims. How can a pious Hindu kill their mother and also market it? They can kill only if they can name others the perpetrators of the crime.

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Actually, the Brahmins are cows and the cows are Brahmins.

Even today, the Brahmins sacrifice the cow made up of the floor in their sacred ceremonies to write off any ill omen or someone dies. The love for cows is the love for Brahmins. Brahmins and cows are inseparable. Perhaps they remember their days when they came to India as nomads with cows. Cows fed them with milk and of course its flesh. Just like the great Changez Khan won the Eurasia by horses that fed on the prairies, the Brahmins could descent into India riding their cows. The be all and end all animal which gave them everything.

For the original inhabitants of India, the life was much settled as civilised. They had elephants and horses, and importantly they had buffalos. We should not have any issue with the cows in the Brahmin Raj, because it was the animal that brought them where they are today. It is in their interest to love and protect cows to keep their hegemony alive, but it is time for the Bahujans to understand and wake from their animal slumber. Not that we should not protect animals, we should, but we should not be selective and discriminative in our approach. Cow or buffalo, monkey or tiger, human beings in the thick of Brahmins and human beings in the servile skin of the Shudras must be protected. That is why the most loving Buddha would do, protect all and discriminate none. That is why we have chosen four lions smiling roaringly in all four directions as our royal emblem to proclaim the truth that love for all must be balanced by the real act of protecting all. Brahminism in its letters, spirits, and stories only protects one class, one caste, one animal, and above all one leader.

Author – Mangesh Dahiwale, Human Rights Activist

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  1. 2
    Anwar Hussain Shaik

    Brother, there are atrocities on Muslims also in the name of cow. I request you to include them also in your articles. Thank you ..

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