Upcoming Book – What Babasaheb Ambedkar Means to Me


On his 125th birth anniversary, in the act of remembering Babasaheb Ambedkar, The Shared Mirror invited young writers to send in articles on the theme of ‘What Babasaheb Ambedkar Means to Me’.

So, as we enter the 126th birth year of Babasaheb Ambedkar, The Shared Mirror is honoured to publish a compilation of essays on the theme ‘What Babasaheb Ambedkar Means To Me’ as a freely downloadable e-book, to be made available very soon!

For updates please follow the dedicated Facebook page for the book.

Babasaheb had to come back to India in between his education when the scholarship, that was supporting him, got over. He didn’t lose heart. He went back after some time and completed his studies. Babasaheb is a teacher who teaches us not only through his words but also through his actions.

Babasaheb Ambedkar means a friend who never lets you down, a guide who shows you the path in the darkest of the times, a philosopher who adds meaning to the life when you feel directionless, a parent who loves their children unconditionally, a leader who not only leads but also creates a leader out of you. The list is unending and in this life, he keeps on taking different roles at different point of time.

An e-book is coming on similar experiences and feelings of the theme ‘What Babasaheb Ambedkar Means to Me.’ It is a second book by the Shared Mirror publishing house, earlier in 2015, the group had published a much talked and successful book named “Hatred in the Belly” and we can see much anticipation among the Dalit-Bahujan communities this time too. The e-book – What Babasaheb Ambedkar Means to Me – is scheduled to be released soon.

Hatred in the Belly

The collection of essays in this book captures the writers’ thinking on visions for a better and just world through their engagement with Babasaheb Ambedkar. As an eminent writer, thinker, statesman and a formidable symbol of resistance, he occupies a position of highest integrity. It is a book that will make readers think along with the writers: Is Ambedkar an idea or an ideal? Is he a path or a journey? The readers get to engage in the dynamic process of viewing personal struggles alongside a benchmark of lofty human values, seen and understood through his incorruptible persona in life, words, and accomplishments.


The Shared Mirror Publishing House is a publishing effort which focuses on a co-operative model for promoting Dalit-Bahujan literature and writers.

What Does Ambedkar Mean To Me

Cover image of “What Does Ambedkar Mean To Me” book is designed by Nidhin Shobhana and designer Sharat Chandra

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