Dalit History Month – Grace Banu


Today in Dalit History, we uplift the voice of Grace Banu. Grace was born in Tamil Nadu into a Dalit family. Very early on, in school, she was not allowed to attend the regular hours of 9.30am to 4 pm. She was told that in order to attend school she had to agree to come into school at 10 am, after all the other students were in and settled, and leave at 3.30pm before others finish. Other students were told that they would be punished if they interacted with Grace. This kind of untouchability based on both her Caste AND gender identity caused her to finally give up on the idea of finishing school.

Like many kids in their teens, she began to understand more deeply the ideas of gender. On embracing her gender identity, her biological family rejected her. She then began the long hard work of building her own family support in the trans community. Her trans mothers supported her her decision to complete school. She then went on to complete a Diploma in Computer Engineering.

After completing her Diploma with honors (95%), she was selected to work for a software firm when she had excelled at a campus interview. It is truly commendable that Grace scored a 95% grade in a computer science degree without ever owning her own computer. She would do all her work in the computer labs and with computers, she borrowed from friends. While she worked as a programmer in this firm, many of her coworkers were transphobic and abusive to her. Unable to bear the daily discrimination, she quit the job.

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Determined to educate herself further, she began to do a lot of research into institutions of higher education. She filed a Right to Information (RTI) to find out if Anna University accepted transgender students. On finding out that they didn’t, she applied against their rules anyway and was given admission to a private affiliated college, Sri Krishna College of Engineering.

Grace Banu believes that ultimately reservation is key to the upliftment of the trans people. “No amount of temporary governmental and non-governmental schemes can have the transgenerational impact that reservations can have. Reservations are the only way,” she says. Grace Banu has been fighting along with other trans folks for reservation based on gender identity as well as Caste.

Grace Banu is insistent that the intersectionality of these oppressions matter. Dalits can be transphobic and the trans community replicates structures of Caste privilege. She says that upper-Caste trans folks bring Brahminism into transcultural, community and organizing spaces. Despite their oppressions, upper-Caste trans women dominate all the positions of leadership, call the shots and define the needs for the whole community. ” Denying Caste in the trans community is like “hiding a whole pumpkin in a plate of rice”, she says.

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In the Dalit Camera interview, she sits next to pictures of some of her dearly held role models. A picture of Babasaheb Ambedkar and a painting of Jyotirao and Savitribhai Phule.

Grace Banu to many of us, is OUR role model. Today, we celebrate her incredible intelligence and strength.

STILL AND SOURCE: DALIT CAMERA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WAVhQQKfTo as well as personal interaction with Grace Banu.

From – Dalit History Month Collective

Grace Banu

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