Top 20 Lies About Dalits That Upper Caste Parents Teach Their Children


Stereotypes about Dalits and minority communities in India are all over the place and so-called upper caste use these stereotypes to demonise disadvantaged communities. Here is a list of the top lies that are taught by so-called upper caste parents to their children while growing up, even before A for Apple, B for Brahma and C for Cricket.

  1. Reservations in India were meant for 10 years
  2. If any Dalit Bahujan talks about any issues, just say “What about Udit Raj/Athavle/Paswan”?
  3. The richest and most privileged species on Earth are “Elite Dalits”
  4. Elite Dalits are stealing jobs/education from poor Dalits
  5. There is no Caste in cities
  6. Removing surname removes caste
  7. Indian Constitution has been copied by Ambedkarji
  8. Only due to the efforts of Gaikwad, that Ambedkarji could study
  9. D for Dalit patriarchy, Dalit fury, Dalit identity, etc
  10. Always correct Grammar, spelling mistakes of Dalit in all forums
  11. Always use jokes using the word Chamar, Bhangi, Mahardya, etc
  12. Buddha is the Avatar of Vishnu
  13. If any Dalit is murdered or raped, always remember it is always a personal feud and not about caste
  14. Ambedkarji only worked for Dalits. He has no other accomplishments.
  15. Every Dalit family comprises of
Read also:  [PDF] 21 Volumes of Dr Ambedkar Books in Hindi

(a) Father who is an IAS officer. Earning a fat salary and a very senior post. Has snatched the job of deserving people

(b) Mother, who works as a Senior Manager in a Bank. Again got a job only due to Reservation and is otherwise inefficient

(c) Elder Son is studying Engineering/Medical/MBA. Has no capability. Got less than 50% in qualification examinations. Is a drunkard, womaniser, brat, has eyes for the Brahmin Woman

(d) Younger Daughter is also studying. Has the most expensive bag, dress. Never interested in Studies, is a “seductress”. Living off Parent’s money. Eyeing a Savarna boy.

  1. Make sure you mention about the noise/traffic created by drunkards celebrating Ambedkarji Birth/Death anniversary
  2. Ambedkarites are failures. They have failed Ambedkarji
  3. Brahminism-Hindutva-Hinduism are all different
  4. Due to Reservation, India is losing stature
  5. Ambedkarji was a Brahmin
  6. The caste system was introduced by the British to divide Hindus
  7. These people are violent because they eat meat
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Which one of the above have you heard? Have you heard similar lies from so-called upper caste? Let us know in comments if you have heard similar comments from so-called upper caste and we will update the list!

Author – Vinay

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  1. 1
    MuthuKumari S

    lies I have heard

    * Dalits are dirty and use bad words alone.
    * Dalits are indecent n violent people.
    * Dalits are living luxurious life than other forward castes.
    * Buddha and Ambedkar are part of Hinduism.
    * Hinduism teach universal brotherhood. So caste was made by British.
    And so the list goes.

  2. 3
    Rajesh Sidhartha

    In have heard all of them at one time or the other. Upper caste do not face prejudices and hence argue without the gross pain we feel most of the time. The presence of overwhelming majority of Hindus in USA has also shown me the difficulties in discussing with these fools anything about prejudice and inequities faced by Dalits. Hence they are fighting against the USA education to remove the word “Dalit” from all text books published in this country.

  3. 4
    BK Bhajjoo

    Thank you Velivada for providing books written by Dr BR Ambedkar. It is very necessary to read great people’s sayings and learn & make strategies how to raise the level of our society be it materialistic or spiritual. We donot want to defeat any one but we donot want to loose either at any front.

  4. 7

    I have heard people saying that SCs get govt jobs and then they dont work the way they should.

    I am a so-called “upper-caste” Jatt Sikh. Although there is no inequality in Sikhism and its scriptures and its History, Still Majbi Sikhs are treated badly by us. Probably, the influence of Caste-based, Brahmanical Society.

  5. 8
    Gidla vinah

    Please can you make an article on justice karnan..
    Because I think he didn’t get justice,his voice was not heard…
    A man of that position won’t just come out simply and say he was being discriminated under caste…
    Similar thing happened in Andhra Pradesh high court where it was proved that a Dalit judge was discriminated under caste..

  6. 10
    Mathangi Raja Ramesh

    I want to add a few comments which i heard from some of my upper caste friend.
    -Ambedkar did not write the constitution, it was a collective work of the intelligent members of the drafting committee, just because Ambedkar happened to be the chairman, he got all the Credit.
    -All Scs are thieves and lie at every occassion.
    -The SC women do not mind for their chastity, they can be easily lured.
    – SCs utilise the SC, ST attrcoities Act and file cases against the innocent upper caste people.

  7. 11
    Mir Danish

    Agree with each and every word. We hear this everytime in media. Now a days social media s full of these bull shit

  8. 13

    These people are violent , because they eat meat.
    Only vegetarians can be nonviolent .
    Look at the animal world . Wild ones are those who eat flesh, while grass eating animals are non violent.

  9. 15

    All should copy paste link to this very logical article on Social Media for their uppercaste to read. Some have have this complex ingrained methodically in their mindset and they are confident in shamelessly sharing this falsehood in SC/ST/OBC.
    HOW IS #merit is synonymous with their caste. As if by birth some are entitled to merit. Many uppercaste don’t know that 85% of religion population is ST/OBC/SC . 25% Uppercaste get 100% coverage in Social Media, Print Media Electronic Media. It’s a psychological gimmick of few of creating fear in 85% majority. Some ars creating inferiority and falsehood against ST/SC/OBC and weakening the social justice and democracy of this great country. Jai Hind

  10. 16

    Purporting that lower caste people have no manners.
    By telling their kids if they behaved in an unruly way or didn’t speak in a “sophisticated” way that they are behaving like “XYZ” .

    • 17

      Indeed. it is shameful but true. Many of our team members have witnessed such things while visiting “so-called” upper caste people’s houses.

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