When Dr Ambedkar Wanted to Burn the Constitution of India


How many of lower castes are at the decision making and implanting the policies position? Numbers would be negligible but lower castes have one hope that constitution would save them. Their hopes arise from the fact that constitution of India was written by a lower caste person – Dr. Ambedkar – so it would help them to escape oppression. In the end, many lower castes start worshipping it without giving any heed to understanding that it’s the implementer that matters more in the present context of India. So, no matter how good is the constitution, until the time it is not implemented properly, it is of no use for lower castes. Lower castes need to understand that Constitution of India is in the hands of so called upper castes those have no interest in protecting lower castes.

When Dr. Ambedkar Wanted to Burn the Constitution of India

Enough of the name of the constitution of India, this-that…we need to know that Dr. Ambedkar also wanted to burn the same constitution which he shaped! I can’t even imagine how tough it would have been for Dr. Ambedkar to say things like this. The constitution might have been like a baby for Dr. Ambedkar which he nurtured for long. I can’t even imagine how much painful it might have been for Dr. Ambedkar to reach to such conclusion. He must have been in so much pain after seeing how Hindu Code Bill was rejected and how Brahmins have overtaken it. While drafting the constitution of India, Dr. Ambedkar was the prime movers of the provisions related to the welfare of women. On the question of civil rights, Dr. Ambedkar made provisions in articles 14-16 in the Indian Constitution, which provide equal status to Woman and also banned the of sale and purchase of woman prevailing Hindu India.

Another thing, this should not be read alone but along with when Dr. Ambedkar said the constitution is good till the people who implement are good.

“However, good a constitution may be, it is sure to turn out to be bad because those who are called to work it happen to be a bad lot. However, bad a constitution may be, it may turn out to be good if those who are called to work it happen to be a good lot.”  – Dr. Ambedkar

Read also:  Brahmins bringing caste to your food plate

Here is what Dr. Ambedkar said on 19th March 1955 in the Rajya Sabha to the question of Dr. Anup Singh when discussion on the Fourth Amendment Bill was going on.


Anup Singh: Last time when you spoke, you said that you would burn the Constitution.

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: Do you want a reply to that? I would give it to you right here. My friend says that the last time when I spoke, I said that I wanted to burn the Constitution. Well, in a hurry I did not explain the reason. Now that my friend has given me the opportunity, I think I shall give the reason.

The reason is this: We built a temple for a god to come in and reside, but before the god could be installed if the devil had taken possession of it, what else could we do except destroy the temple? We did not intend that it should be occupied by the Asuras. We intended it to be occupied By the Devas. That is the reason why I said I would rather like to burn it.

K. P. Sinha: Destroy the devil rather than the temple.

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar: You can not do it. We have not got the strength. If you will read the Brahmana, the Sathapatha Brahmana, you will see that the gods have always been defeated by the Asuras and that the Asuras had the Amrit with them which the gods had to take away in order to survive in the battle.


My friends tell me that I made the Constitution. But I am quite prepared to say that I shall be the first person to burn it out. I do not want it. It does not suit anybody. But whatever that may be, if our people want to carry on, they must remember that there are majorities and there are minorities; and they simply cannot ignore the minorities by saying: ‘Oh, no, to recognize you is to harm democracy. – Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

(Keer, Dhananjay. Dr. Ambedkar: Life and Mission. Bombay: Popular Prakashan, 1971,  Ch. XXIV, pp. 449-450.)

Finally, I would end and leave you to decide with another quote from Dr. Ambedkar

“I feel that the constitution is workable, it is flexible and it is strong enough to hold the country together both in peacetime and in wartime. Indeed, if I may say so, if things go wrong under the new Constitution, the reason will not be that we had a bad Constitution. What we will have to say is that Man was vile.”

When Dr Ambedkar Wanted to Burn the Constitution of India

Screenshot of the debate from Rajya Sabha

(Source – Debates at Rajya Sabha)

Read also:  20th July in Dalit History - Dr. Ambedkar arrived at New York and joined Columbia University

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  1. 3
    Mahipal Mahamatta

    “We built a temple for a god to come in and reside, but before the god could be installed if the devil had taken possession of it, what else could we do except destroy the temple? We did not intend that it should be occupied by the Asuras. We intended it to be occupied By the Devas. That is the reason why I said I would rather like to burn it”. citation is from a article itself where Ambedkar has considered ‘Asura’ as devil. and tag line of this site is “Velivada where Asura fights for equal rights” As a growing up Ambedkarite I am curious to understand contradiction above. and interested to read more on it. Help me. Jai bhim….

  2. 4
    kk singh

    Was Constitution made in consultations with the people of India? Was it really made for the working class and peasants who create every conceivable wealth, every single paise in any country or society?
    A set of laws/rules/regulations to settle the property disputes, secure and serve the interests of the property (In present era in form of capital, in various forms; banking, financial, fictitious capital, etc and their growth) developed during development of civilisation of mankind and which itself was based on “Private Property”.
    Constitution, therefore, came into existence into various countries and even in an Independent India was part of the said development of laws, was to protect and help the “Private Property”, its growth (Which is through exploitation of the working class by hiring their labour power) and of course its owners.
    The simultaneous growth of state and its machineries, along with Private Property was again to safeguard the owners. In short, today, to serve (Imperialist) capitalism!
    Baba Saheb Ambedkar was also for the inhalation of caste, religion and capitalism for a proper democracy to exist.
    However, he did not see the society dialectically, ie, interconnection of the past to present to future and did not grasp the aim, “Communism” and its path as visualised in Marxism, through Historical Materialism!
    The path of the ‘ideal’ society, which he wanted was proletarian revolution, displace the bourgeois dictatorship against the workers by the proletarian dictatorship!
    Emancipation of mankind, working class and all other exploited classes or sections of the society is only through the path shown by Marxism Leninism!

  3. 6

    Dear Sir,

    Why don’t you bring Ambedkar ideological information in local languages.It would be helpful to so many people.I think “Velivada” word belongs to Telugu language.

    • 7

      Yes, Velivada is a Telugu word. We will try in future to bring information in Hindi maybe but at present we don’t have resources. 🙁

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