Strategies to Consolidate Bahujan Movement


After setbacks from the recent election results, who shall Bahujan Movement proceed? What shall be the directions for the Bahujan Movement? Read below an interesting analysis by Mangesh Dhaiwale.

The elections mirror political affiliations, and at times, they also mirror ideological affiliations. The human brain is political as it continuously divides the experiences into positive and negative, and sometimes the experiences cannot be classified as positive and negative as the consciousness is befuddled to understand the experience.

The issue-based, analytical and rational way of mobilising masses politically is difficult as it needs a lot of efforts to process analysis and issues. Humans want quick fix way to know what is positive and negative and hence emotive and identity-based ways are effective in politics. Indian politics, or politics anywhere, is identity-based.

The concept of nation-state is based on identity itself. Human welfare can be a better way to mobilise people politically, instead of invocation of the nation-state and patriotism that goes with it. But in the real world which is the world of emotions and identities and not dominated by rationality, we have to find the best way to balance it.

Politics is Based on Myth-Making

[bctt tweet=”The myths are made and sold to the electorate.” username=”velivada”]

Sometimes the sacred myths are employed to create a political class or the hierarchy of the political class. In an Indian context, the political classes are divided into the caste lines and this division built upon the caste system and caste hatred benefits those who are organised better than the other political classes. So, how we build and consolidate the Bahujan movement is not only a matter of rational and analytical thinking but also myths and breaking barriers between the political classes which are built upon the social classes.

So, how we build and consolidate the Bahujan movement is not only a matter of rational and analytical thinking but also myths and breaking barriers between the political classes which are built upon the social classes.

[bctt tweet=”The media is systematically building a myth around Modi as if he is the saviour of India.” username=”velivada”]

The fact remains that he is the savior of RSS and not India. Because the idea of India of RSS is diametrically opposite to the idea of India in the constitution of India. Modi is Pradhan (Swayam) Sevak of India, the Prime Volunteer of the RSS. It is important for the Bahujan movement to demytholise Modi. The frontal attack on him who embodies the RSS ethos is important. His steps and policies must be watched and analysed from the point of view of welfare of India’s SCs, OBCs, and converted minorities. The country is yet to see any tangible policy in this area of

The country is yet to see any tangible policy in this area of the welfare of citizens. The RSS/BJP is focussed on monetary policies and reforms (?) in the financial sector that benefits their cronies, the Banias. Though they were affected by the large scale demonetisation exercise, they preferred to stay silent expecting gains in other ways. The demonetization effectively made the BJP/RSS custodian of the large chunk of money which is used to consolidate the political power.

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The BJP/RSS is co-opting politicians from the other parties. They are poaching on seasoned politicians and young upcoming politicians. In UP, more than 120 candidates had no affiliations with RSS were allotted tickets. Politicians are co-opted from the other political parties from various castes as it happened in UP as the BJP inducted non-Jatav and non-Yadav leaders, particularly from the BSP before the elections.

It is aiming at bringing Vokkalingas by co-opting SM Krishna in Karnataka. In case this fails, the BJP uses its money power to buy the elected representatives as happened in Goa and Manipur.

The lesson for the Bahujan Movement is manifold, but two particular lessons will be useful to consolidate the Bahujan Movement:

1. Keep its guns aimed at RSS and its ideology of hatred and supremacy of the Brahmans

2. Mobilise the leaders from the backward and Dalit castes and give them responsibility and power as Kanshiram did

RSS will put up a face of nationalism, but use communal polarisation to consolidate its power that is concentrated in the hands of handful of the Brahmans and Banias. It will give seats to backward and Dalit castes, because it has to, but will micro-manage these elected representatives to push their agenda and consolidate the RSS.

However, even if the RSS/BJP will do all of the above, they cannot work for the welfare of the backward classes and the Dalits, because doing so will weaken the Brahmanical hold on the society and also the RSS/BJP cannot resort to building plural and equal India as it will cut its sources of power. This is a big gap where in the Bahujan movement can step in as the true builder of the nation and true movement for the welfare of all.

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