Jai Bhim: What does it mean?


What does Jai Bhim mean to you? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. 1
    Vijay Kumar

    In Delhi, Bihari Lal Harit was the first to announce JAI BHIM in 1946 through a poem in the presence of Dr. Ambedkar at Gandhi Ground in front of Old Delhi Railway Station on the occasion of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar’s birthday.
    Nav yuvak kom ke jut javen sab milkar kom parasti me,
    Jai Bhim ka nara laga kare, Bharat ki basti-basti me

  2. 4

    JAIBHIM means i honour and wish the greatness in you,
    each and every follower of Babasaheb says jaibhim, to greet the fellowbeings, Jaibhim is self respect, it is remembering Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar

  3. 6
    Md afaque ahsan

    Baba saheb was a distinguished personality of all times , he is an immense source of inspiration even today , he is a torch bearer of social justice ….jai bhim

    • 7

      Dr. Baba saheb Ambedkar is multidimensional personality , we the followers of DR.BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR says JAI BHIM ….saying JAI BHIM has its own essense . .it gives us power POWER . and we feel proud to say JAI BHIM …………

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