Dr. Ambedkar on Muslims/Islam, He Wasn’t Anti-Muslim


Did you know? Dr. Ambedkar had supported Muslim demands such as partition of Kashmir and separate electorate for Muslims. Dr. Ambedkar was a true democrat, he respected the right to self-determination of people. He supported Muslim demands of partition of Kashmir.

Dr. Ambedkar’s Bahishkrit Bharat newspaper (15 March 1929) exhorts people to convert to Islam if they are willing to change their religion. It is only after the in depth studies of various religions vis-à-vis his goals that he decided on Buddha’s Dhamma. It is purely mischievous to say that Dr. Ambedkar was against Muslims.

Did you know? Dr. Ambedkar wasn’t anti-Muslim. Bahishkrit Bharat, newspaper started by Dr. Ambedkar used to publish articles on Islam. Articles on Islam by Maharashtrian reformer Lokhitawadi were serialized over a number of issues in newspaper started by Dr. Ambedkar. If Dr. Ambedkar had been against Islam or Muslims,he wouldn’t have spared so much of valuable space of his paper on them. Dr Ambedkar was certainly impressed by the egalitarian principles of Islam.

– Excerpts from Anand Teltumbde’s book Ambedkar on Muslims (2003)

Sanghis are lying as usual. Dr. Ambedkar wasn’t anti-Muslim. How can a democratic person hate anyone?

Dr. Ambedkar on Islam Dr. Ambedkar on Muslim Dr. Ambedkar on muslims and islam Dr. Ambedkar on Muslims

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  1. 1
    Ram Patil

    How can Ambedkar be anti Muslims ? It is the false and misleading propaganda of the RSS and BJP duo to create animosity between the Ambedkarite s and the Muslims. The Muslims have become more cautious now and do not fall prey to any such wishful provocations of the cunning Brahmins.

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