Anti-Reservation remarks by Chairman of Motilal Oswal Group. File a complaint under SC/ST Act


Mr. Motilal Oswal, chairman of Motilal Oswal Group made anti-reservation remarks on twitter. Someone please file a case against Mr Motilal Oswal under SC/ST act for this tweet. Let him have a taste his ‘talent’. So called upper castes like him can become chairman of any company because of their caste not because of ‘talent’. Following tweet was posted by Motilal Oswal, chairman of Motilal Oswal Group, and was later deleted by him.

12936525_990239784385463_8479596338097832107_nMr Motilal Oswal, representation is a constitutional right and don’t compare it with begging of brahmins who are living on begging since ages. 

Mr Motilal Oswal has written in his description at Twitter – “proud of our values and culture”, “loves to spread positivity & happiness in a negative &cynical world” and here is the example of all that. Is this the company’s proud culture where SC/ST/OBC communities are defamed? Further he has written in his description, “Hungry for knowledge” and I would suggest him to read the history of your forefathers and the history of representation in India. Also, read some good books written by some good authors not by “chaddiwalas”!

Read also:  Yogesh Maitreya on "Ambedkar, Literature, and Connecting the World"

Mr Motilal Oswal for your clarification, the bridge was being built by IVRCL, which is a private company owned by Reddy brothers, means upper castes company and there is no reservation in private sector as you may know very well. So, doesn’t bridge falling show upper castes merit? And this is not the first time this upper castes company IVRCL’s construction has failed, earlier in Jharkhand also their construction had failed. So, how much talent and merit upper caste companies want to show?? Further, Mr Motilal Oswal, whole India saw your talent (of fooling people) also when company was involvement in a series of IPO irregularities in 2003-05.

Earlier, Havells Fans had shown its castiest nature and now Motilal Oswal Group. We should boycott these companies and their products and services. What is the Merit of those upper caste Brahmins who dupe our Banks worth thousands of Crores & then flee the country? Mr Motilal Oswal should be booked under SC/ST act and should be punished for hatred towards Dalits and minority communities.

Update –

Mr Motilal Oswal deleted the tweet and posted the following message. It’s too late for the Motilal Oswal Group to hide its casteist nature and casteist mindset. We must go forward and file case against him so that no one else tries to defame Dalits & other communities availing constitution rights.

Read also:  20th July in Dalit History - Dr. Ambedkar arrived at New York and joined Columbia University


All this shows the casteist mindset of private companies in India. Even if I accept that it was “forwarded sms”, does it mean he didn’t read it before forwarding? He opened twitter and pasted that “forwarded sms” but didn’t read it? Whom you are trying to fool Mr. Motilal Oswal?

How can anyone trust such a chairman of financial company who doesn’t read before forwarding the information? Wonder how Motilal Oswal Group has survived till now, oh am I forgetting “Vyapam Merit” of upper castes? Motilal Oswal Group is an investment management group and such are the chairman who don’t read information before sharing it. I would suggest investors to back out from Motilal Oswal Group or be ready to lose money in the hands of such “Vyapam Meritwalas” upper castes!

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