'Angry Buddha' – Documentary on Romas (Untouchables of Europe) & Jai Bhim Network, Hungary


Angry Buddha – Documentary on Romas (Untouchables of Europe) & Jai Bhim Network, Hungary. Jai Bhim Network is an organisation running schools in Hungary on the name of Babasaheb Ambedkar and following Babasaheb’s footsteps.


They exist at the edges of society and are considered troublesome and backwards. However, János Orsòs, a Romani from eastern Hungary, has taken a new approach. János founded a school inspired by the Buddhism of B.R. Ambedkar, who freed millions of Indians from the stigma of ‘untouchability’. Full of hope and fury, János fights for a better future for his pupils, the ‘untouchables’ of Europe.

Read also – Dr. Ambedkar in Hungary

Watch the trailer of the documentary Angry Buddha below


Source – Filminstitut

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