Brahmins' Job Portal – Only for Brahmins! Others need not to apply


Brahmins have infected every space in India with caste discrimination and Brahminism. They have made separate foods – especially for Brahmins, and there already is caste discrimination in private job sector.

As per the website, brahminexpert,  it is dedicated private job exchange run by Brahmin welfare organisation for the unemployed Brahmin community and it is run by Tamil Nadu Telugu Brahmana Saba Trust.

We have seen, such organisations and so called upper castes having links in private companies don’t give any chance to Dalit-Bahujans in jobs at private companies. When these so called upper castes have links and family members in private companies there is no way they will give opportunity to lower castes. This is the reason manuwadi governments are privatizing everything so that they don’t have to implement reservation and upper castes will keep on enjoying!

Read also:  Is Goods and Service Tax (GST) as Important as Human Rights?

We demand reservation in private sector and we strongly object privatization.

Brahmins Job

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